应用化学 ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 1491-1501.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.240120
De-Jin TIE, Mei-Jia XU, Xiao-Dan TANG, Hong-Min JIA(), Hong-Mei YU(
Hong-Min JIA,Hong-Mei YU
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seesea0304@163.comSupported by:
pH和水的检测在生命科学和化学工业中是至关重要的。 对以中性红(NR)为碳源,乙二胺(EDA)为氮源,乙醇为溶剂,溶剂热法合成的黄色荧光碳点(NR-EDA-CDs)进行了研究,发现该碳点在激发波长为310~370 nm范围时,可以产生双发射峰。 由此,建立了基于单一发光剂的双比率荧光探针检测pH和水的方法。 通过高分辨透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱、红外光谱(IR)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对该碳点进行了表征,表明该碳点的形状为类球形,平均粒径为3.6 nm,有明显的石墨结构。 研究发现,在365 nm激发波长下,该碳点具有良好的稳定性、抗光漂白性和耐盐性。 在磷酸盐缓冲溶液中,pH值在4.15~8.55范围内与581和449 nm的荧光强度比(F581/F449)具有良好的线性关系,其决定系数R2=0.986。该pH比率荧光探针具有线性范围宽和可逆性好等特点。 同时发现在二甲基亚砜溶剂中,水的含量在0.6%~50%(V(H2O)/V(DMSO))范围内与F485/F585具有良好的线性,其决定系数R2=0.996,检出限为0.18%(V(H2O)/V(DMSO))。 该双比率荧光探针为pH和水的检测提供了一种新的方法。
铁德金, 许美佳, 唐晓丹, 贾宏敏, 于洪梅. 一种可用于检测pH和H2O的双比率荧光探针[J]. 应用化学, 2024, 41(10): 1491-1501.
De-Jin TIE, Mei-Jia XU, Xiao-Dan TANG, Hong-Min JIA, Hong-Mei YU. A Double Ratio Fluorescent Probe for pH and Water Detection[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2024, 41(10): 1491-1501.
图2 NR-EDA-CDs的(A)HRTEM(内插图为粒径分布统计图)、(B)晶格间距图、(C)XRD和(D)拉曼光谱图
Fig.2 (A) HRTEM (Inset: the particle size distribution statistics), (B) lattice spacing, (C) XRD and (D) Raman spectrum of NR-EDA-CDs
图4 NR-EDA-CDs的XPS全谱图(A);NR-EDA-CDs的高分辨XPS的C1s (B)、O1s (C)和N1s (D)谱图
Fig.4 (A) XPS of NR-EDA-CDs; High-resolution XPS spectra of C1s (B), O1s (C) and N1s (D) of NR-EDA-CDs
图5 (A) NR-EDA-CDs水溶液的紫外吸收光谱; (B)不同激发波长下NR-EDA-CDs的荧光发射光谱图
Fig.5 (A) UV absorption spectrum of NR-EDA-CDs; (B) Fluorescence emission spectra of NR-EDA-CDs at different excitation wavelengths
图6 NR-EDA-CDs的比率荧光在365 nm紫外光(A)照射下及在NaCl(0~1.0 mol/L)溶液中(B)的稳定性
Fig.6 Ratio fluorescence stabilities of NR-EDA-CDs under UV light (A) and 0~1.0 mol/L NaCl solution (B)
图7(A) NR-EDA-CDs在不同pH值的磷酸盐缓冲液中颜色变化图; (B) NR-EDA-CDs在不同pH值下的荧光光谱; (C) F581/F449与pH值的线性关系图; (D) pH值在4和8之间切换F581/F449的可逆性
Fig.7 (A) Color changes of NR-EDA-CDs in phosphate buffers with different pH values; (B) Fluorescence of NR-EDA-CDs at different pH; (C) Linear relationship between F581/F449 and pH; (D) The reversibility of F581/F449 switching between pH=4 and 8
Probe | Method | Linear range | Ref. |
ABMP | Direct fluorescent probe | 2.4~4 | [ |
PHHF | Ratio fluorescence probe | 3.24~6 | [ |
Probe L | Ratio fluorescence probe | 4.5~6 | [ |
RTPH | Direct fluorescent probe | 1.87~4.48 | [ |
Probe 1-1 | Direct fluorescent probe | 1.69~3.38 | [ |
Probe 1-2 | Direct fluorescent probe | 1.78~2.52 | [ |
Y-G-CDs | Direct fluorescent probe | 5.9~7.7 | [ |
Y-G-CDs | Ratio fluorescence probe | 5.9~8.0 | [ |
Green CDs | Direct fluorescent probe | 4.5~8.5 | [ |
NR-EDA-CDs | Ratio fluorescence probe | 4.15~8.55 | This work |
表1 荧光检测pH范围文献对照表
Table 1 Comparison of literature on pH range of fluorescence detection
Probe | Method | Linear range | Ref. |
ABMP | Direct fluorescent probe | 2.4~4 | [ |
PHHF | Ratio fluorescence probe | 3.24~6 | [ |
Probe L | Ratio fluorescence probe | 4.5~6 | [ |
RTPH | Direct fluorescent probe | 1.87~4.48 | [ |
Probe 1-1 | Direct fluorescent probe | 1.69~3.38 | [ |
Probe 1-2 | Direct fluorescent probe | 1.78~2.52 | [ |
Y-G-CDs | Direct fluorescent probe | 5.9~7.7 | [ |
Y-G-CDs | Ratio fluorescence probe | 5.9~8.0 | [ |
Green CDs | Direct fluorescent probe | 4.5~8.5 | [ |
NR-EDA-CDs | Ratio fluorescence probe | 4.15~8.55 | This work |
图8 (A) NR-EDA-CDs在585 nm处的荧光强度与pH值的Sigmoidal拟合; (B)阴阳离子和(C)氨基酸对F581/F449的影响
Fig.8 (A) Sigmoidal fitting of the pH-dependent fluorescence at 585 nm for NR-EDA-CDs; Effects of anions and cations (B) with amino acids (C) on F581/F449
图9 (A) NR-EDA-CDs在不同溶剂中的荧光光谱; (B) F585/F435与不同溶剂的柱状图
Fig.9 (A) Fluorescence spectra of NR-EDA-CDs in different solvents; (B) Histogram of F585/F435 with different solvents
图10 (A) NR-EDA-CDs-DMSO中加入水的荧光图; (B)F485/F585与加入的水含量的线性拟合关系图; (C)向NR-EDA-CDs-DMSO中加入DMSO的荧光图; (D) F485/F585与加入的DMSO含量的关系图
Fig.10 (A) Fluorescence of adding water to CDs-DMSO; (B) The linear fitting relationship diagram of F485/F585 and water content; (C) Fluorescence of adding DMSO to CDs-DMSO; (D) The relationship diagram of F485/F585 and DMSO content
图11 (A)水稀释NR-EDA-CDs-DMSO的紫外光谱图; (B) DMSO稀释NR-EDA-CDs-DMSO的紫外光谱图
Fig.11 (A) UV spectra of NR-EDA-CDs-DMSO diluted with water; (B) UV spectra of NR-EDA-CDs-DMSO diluted with DMSO
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