应用化学 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (9): 1233-1244.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.220395
臧志飞1,2, 梁杰1, 习本军3, 彭春雪4, 刘渊4, 王晨晔2,5, 王朵2()
Zhi-Fei ZANG1,2, Jie LIANG1, Ben-Jun XI3, Chun-Xue PENG4, Yuan LIU4, Chen-Ye WANG2,5, Duo WANG2()
About author:
wangduo@ipe.ac.cnSupported by:
草甘膦[N-(磷酸甲基)-甘氨酸]是一种除草活性高的有机磷农药,其生产过程产生的废液成分复杂,有机物和盐含量高,无害化处理和资源化利用难度大。本文综述了2000年至今焚烧、高级氧化、吸附、化学沉淀和膜分离技术等国内外处理草甘膦废液主要工艺的原理、性能和优缺点。焚烧、高级氧化技术及生化法处理草甘膦废水的选择性较低,不利于草甘膦废水的资源化利用。吸附法普遍存在吸附剂吸附容量小的问题,开发吸附量大、成本低廉且易循环利用的吸附剂是草甘膦废液处理工业应用的发展方向。化学沉淀法在高盐、高总磷和高化学需氧量(Chemical oxygen demand, COD)废水环境中分离性能优异,但产生大量成分复杂的污泥,需进行二次处理。采用膜组合方法对废液进行除杂浓缩,可有效回收有价产品,截留有害物质,但因废水成分复杂,单独使用膜技术处理草甘膦废水不能完全达到处理指标。液膜、聚合物包容膜等新型膜技术稳定性好、使用寿命长、操作简便和环境友好等,在草甘膦等农药行业中高盐有机废水的绿色经济处理和有价物高值回收利用等领域展示了广阔的应用前景。
臧志飞, 梁杰, 习本军, 彭春雪, 刘渊, 王晨晔, 王朵. 草甘膦废液处理及资源化利用研究进展[J]. 应用化学, 2023, 40(9): 1233-1244.
Zhi-Fei ZANG, Jie LIANG, Ben-Jun XI, Chun-Xue PENG, Yuan LIU, Chen-Ye WANG, Duo WANG. Research Progress on the Treatment and Resource Utilization of Glyphosate Wastewater[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2023, 40(9): 1233-1244.
Sorbent | Surface area/particle size of the sorbent | Adsorption concentration range/(10-6) | Adsorption capacity/(mg·g-1) | pH | Adsorption percentage | Ref. |
D301 resin | 0.315~1.25mm | - | 181.8 | - | 79.3 | [ |
D301 resin | 202.455 m2/g 400~1 000 μm | 1 000 | 392.2 | 1~12 | - | [ |
D301 resin | 202.455 m2/g 400~1 000 μm | 1 000 | 603.5 | 1~6 | 60.35 | [ |
MnO2 | 168 cm2/mg | 16.9~84.5 | - | 3~9 | 12.6~51.6 | [ |
FFA-1 functional fiber/D301 resin | - | 5 000~12 000 | - | 11 | 95 | [ |
Alkalescent fiber FFA-1 | - | 10 000 | 569.2 | 9 | - | [ |
Magnetic glycidyl trimethyl ammonium chloride-β-cyclodextrin composite hydrogel | 0.67 m2/g 0.52 nm | 0~200 | 179.2 | 3~10.5 | 89.6 | [ |
Modified oyster shell powder | <125 μm | 500~1 000 | 66.1 | 4±0.2 | - | [ |
LX-9 Weak alkaline anion adsorption resin | - | 2 500~30 000 | - | - | 85 | [ |
表1 不同吸附剂对草甘膦的吸附效果
Table 1 Performance of different adsorbents on glyphosate adsorption
Sorbent | Surface area/particle size of the sorbent | Adsorption concentration range/(10-6) | Adsorption capacity/(mg·g-1) | pH | Adsorption percentage | Ref. |
D301 resin | 0.315~1.25mm | - | 181.8 | - | 79.3 | [ |
D301 resin | 202.455 m2/g 400~1 000 μm | 1 000 | 392.2 | 1~12 | - | [ |
D301 resin | 202.455 m2/g 400~1 000 μm | 1 000 | 603.5 | 1~6 | 60.35 | [ |
MnO2 | 168 cm2/mg | 16.9~84.5 | - | 3~9 | 12.6~51.6 | [ |
FFA-1 functional fiber/D301 resin | - | 5 000~12 000 | - | 11 | 95 | [ |
Alkalescent fiber FFA-1 | - | 10 000 | 569.2 | 9 | - | [ |
Magnetic glycidyl trimethyl ammonium chloride-β-cyclodextrin composite hydrogel | 0.67 m2/g 0.52 nm | 0~200 | 179.2 | 3~10.5 | 89.6 | [ |
Modified oyster shell powder | <125 μm | 500~1 000 | 66.1 | 4±0.2 | - | [ |
LX-9 Weak alkaline anion adsorption resin | - | 2 500~30 000 | - | - | 85 | [ |
图5 (a) PIM膜分离回收草甘膦工作流程示意图; (b) 草甘膦高倍富集机制示意图[53]
Fig.5 (a) Schematic diagram of separating glyphosate in PIM system; (b) Schematic diagram of the enrichment of glyphosate[53]
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