应用化学 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 900-911.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.210183
Mei-Lun ZHANG, Hong-Ran LING, Zai-Chun SUN, Bing-Chu MEI, Wei-Wei LI()
Wei-Wei LI
About author:
leeww0229@163.comSupported by:
张梅伦, 凌红冉, 孙在春, 梅炳初, 李威威. 氟化镁钡粉体制备方法研究进展[J]. 应用化学, 2022, 39(6): 900-911.
Mei-Lun ZHANG, Hong-Ran LING, Zai-Chun SUN, Bing-Chu MEI, Wei-Wei LI. Research Progress on the Preparation Methods of BaMgF4 Powders[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2022, 39(6): 900-911.
图1 (a) BaMgF4的晶体结构的单位晶胞表示,BaMgF4的3维晶体结构; (b) 代表沿a轴的MgF6八面体之字形链; (c) Ba离子沿c轴截留在两条平行的MgF6八面体之字形链的空隙之间[5]
Fig.1 (a) Unit cell representation of the crystal structure of BaMgF4, 3-dimensional crystal structure of BaMgF4, (b) representing MgF6 octahedral zigzag chains along a-axis and (c)trapped Ba ions in between the void of two parallel MgF6 octahedral zigzag chains along c-axis[5]
图2 通过水热法合成的(A)未掺杂BaMgF4粉体和(B) 掺杂的BaMgF4粉体的SEM图像[15]
Fig.2 SEM images of (A) undoped and (B) doped BaMgF4 powders synthesized by hydrothermal method[15]
图3 通过水热法合成的(a)未掺杂和(b,c)掺杂的BaMgF4粉体的SEM图像; (d)未掺杂的BaMgF4粉体的EDS图谱[17]
Fig.3 SEM image of (a) undoped and (b,c) doped BaMgF4 powders synthesized by hydrothermal method; (d) EDS pattern of undoped BaMgF4 powders[17]
图5 不同放大倍率下观察到的通过反相微乳液法合成的纳米棒聚集成“小胡子”状形簇[24]
Fig.5 Nanorods synthesized by reverse microemulsion method aggregated into “mustache” clusters observed at different magnifications[24]
图6 在1 mm厚的玻璃载玻片上,一层厚约240 μm的透明PMMA/BaMgF4纳米粒子薄膜[24]
Fig.6 A photograph of 240 μm PMMA/BaMgF4 nanoparticle film on a 1 mm thick glass slide showing the transparency[24]
图7 (a) BaMgF4微棒的低(左)和高(右)分辨率SEM图像, (b) BaMgF4基体的元素面扫描图[5]
Fig.7 (a) Low (left) and high (right) resolution SEM images of BaMgF4 micro-rods, (b) combined elemental mapping of the BaMgF4 host[5]
方法 Methods | 优点 Advantages | 缺点 Disadvantages | 应用前景 Application prospects |
高温固相法 High temperature solid state method | 工艺成本低、产量大、过程简单 Low process cost, high output, simple procdure | 粉体粒径偏大,还会残留BaF2和MgF2等杂质 Large particle size, and remaining impurities such as BaF2 and MgF2 | - |
机械球磨法 Mechanical milling method | 能够制备非平衡材料,效率高 Ability to prepare non?equilibrium materials, high efficiency | 产物整体的结晶度较低,容易引入金属杂质 Low overall crystallinity, and remaining metal impurities | - |
水热法 Hydrothermal method | 产品物相均匀,纯度高,结晶良好, 反应条件可控 Homogeneous phase, high purity, good crystallization, and controllable reaction conditions | 操作方法复杂,实验条件要求高,颗粒易长大 Complicated operation method, high experimental conditions, and the particles are easy to grow up | |
溶剂热法 Solvothermal method | 利用有机溶剂可以有效控制颗粒的 尺寸和团聚程度 The organic solvents can be used to effectively control the size and degree of agglomeration of particles | 颗粒粒径不均匀,很难彻底除去产物中 残留的有机溶剂 Non?uniform particle size, and it is difficult to remove the residual organic solvent completely | - |
溶胶?凝胶法 Sol?gel method | 工艺流程简单,粉体粒度均匀 Simple preparation process flow, uniform grain size | 反应所需时间较长,原料为金属有机物时难以除净 Long reaction time, and it is difficult to remove the metal organic materials completely. | 可用来制备薄膜等 功能性材料 Preparing functional materials such as films |
反相微乳液法 Reversed?phase microemulsion method | 可控制合成颗粒的大小,产物粒度 分布窄,有利于连续工业化生产 Controllable particle size, narrow size distribution, and continuous industrial production | 成本高,易引入其它杂质元素 High process cost, other impurity elements can be introduced easily | 可用于光学聚合物 薄膜的开发 Development of optical polymer films |
共沉淀法 Coprecipitation method | 纯度高,杂质少,工艺流程简单, 成本低 High purity, less impurities, simple process flow and low process cost | 颗粒容易生长或聚集,导致粉体整体粒径 偏大或发生严重的团聚 The particles are easy to grow up or agglomerate, causing the overall particle size to be too large or generating serious agglomeration | - |
表1 BaMgF4粉体制备方法特点及应用前景
Table 1 Characteristics and application prospects of preparation methods of BaMgF4 powders
方法 Methods | 优点 Advantages | 缺点 Disadvantages | 应用前景 Application prospects |
高温固相法 High temperature solid state method | 工艺成本低、产量大、过程简单 Low process cost, high output, simple procdure | 粉体粒径偏大,还会残留BaF2和MgF2等杂质 Large particle size, and remaining impurities such as BaF2 and MgF2 | - |
机械球磨法 Mechanical milling method | 能够制备非平衡材料,效率高 Ability to prepare non?equilibrium materials, high efficiency | 产物整体的结晶度较低,容易引入金属杂质 Low overall crystallinity, and remaining metal impurities | - |
水热法 Hydrothermal method | 产品物相均匀,纯度高,结晶良好, 反应条件可控 Homogeneous phase, high purity, good crystallization, and controllable reaction conditions | 操作方法复杂,实验条件要求高,颗粒易长大 Complicated operation method, high experimental conditions, and the particles are easy to grow up | |
溶剂热法 Solvothermal method | 利用有机溶剂可以有效控制颗粒的 尺寸和团聚程度 The organic solvents can be used to effectively control the size and degree of agglomeration of particles | 颗粒粒径不均匀,很难彻底除去产物中 残留的有机溶剂 Non?uniform particle size, and it is difficult to remove the residual organic solvent completely | - |
溶胶?凝胶法 Sol?gel method | 工艺流程简单,粉体粒度均匀 Simple preparation process flow, uniform grain size | 反应所需时间较长,原料为金属有机物时难以除净 Long reaction time, and it is difficult to remove the metal organic materials completely. | 可用来制备薄膜等 功能性材料 Preparing functional materials such as films |
反相微乳液法 Reversed?phase microemulsion method | 可控制合成颗粒的大小,产物粒度 分布窄,有利于连续工业化生产 Controllable particle size, narrow size distribution, and continuous industrial production | 成本高,易引入其它杂质元素 High process cost, other impurity elements can be introduced easily | 可用于光学聚合物 薄膜的开发 Development of optical polymer films |
共沉淀法 Coprecipitation method | 纯度高,杂质少,工艺流程简单, 成本低 High purity, less impurities, simple process flow and low process cost | 颗粒容易生长或聚集,导致粉体整体粒径 偏大或发生严重的团聚 The particles are easy to grow up or agglomerate, causing the overall particle size to be too large or generating serious agglomeration | - |
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