应用化学 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (9): 1321-1344.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.210521
• 综合评述 • 下一篇
王婷1,2, 魏奇1,2, 付强1,2, 李伟1(), 王世伟1,2(
Ting WANG1,2, Qi WEI1,2, Qiang FU1,2, Wei LI1(), Shi-Wei WANG1,2(
Wei LI,Shi-Wei WANG
About author:
wswjldx2004@163.comSupported by:
钙钛矿太阳能电池作为第3代新概念太阳能电池,具有高光电转换效率、低成本和可柔性加工等优点,近年来发展迅速,其光电转换效率从一开始的3.8%增长到近期的25.5%,逐渐比肩硅电池,已接近商业化应用水平。目前,实现钙钛矿太阳能电池产业应用的关键环节在于电池封装,它不仅可以解决钙钛矿光伏器件稳定性问题,还可以实现电池安全、环保和延长使用寿命等要求。结合近十几年来钙钛矿光伏电池封装材料和封装工艺两方面的发展现状,文中介绍了钙钛矿电池封装领域取得的成果和存在的不足,讨论了目前现有封装技术的优缺点,以及它们适用的不同器件类型。着重在不同温度湿度条件下,比较了不同封装材料性能、封装工艺条件对钙钛矿电池效率及稳定性的影响,归纳出影响钙钛矿电池薄膜封装效果的3个关键因素: 聚合物的弹性模量、水蒸气透过率、加工温度。比较了不同聚合物薄膜封装材料适宜的加工温度、优缺点及加工成本。可以看出,随着钙钛矿光伏电池工业化需求的强烈增长和人们对其封装材料研究的不断深入,研究适合大面积生产和光伏建筑一体化的新型功能聚合物封装材料将是必然趋势。
王婷, 魏奇, 付强, 李伟, 王世伟. 钙钛矿光伏电池封装材料与工艺研究进展[J]. 应用化学, 2022, 39(9): 1321-1344.
Ting WANG, Qi WEI, Qiang FU, Wei LI, Shi-Wei WANG. Review of Perovskite Photovoltaic Cell Encapsulation Material and Technology[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2022, 39(9): 1321-1344.
图1 (a)n-i-p结构平面PSC; (b)p-i-n结构平面PSC; (c)介孔PSC
Fig.1 (a)n-i-p planar perovskite solar cell; (b)p-i-n planar perovskite solar cell; (c)Mesoporous perovskite solar cell
图2 (a)保护层作为封装材料覆盖活性区; (b)将密封胶置于在活性区边缘[56]
Fig.2 (a)Protective layer as encapsulation materials covers the active area; (b)The sealant is placed on the edge of the active area[56]
图3 (a)使用热塑型密封胶(Surlyn60)封装; (b)使用紫外线固化胶(Threebond)封装; (c)使用可光固化胶封装; (d)使用聚酰亚胺胶带封装和可光固化胶封装; (e)使用聚酰亚胺胶带作为一次密封,UV固化胶-玻璃作为二次密封,Threebond粘合剂作为边缘密封; (f)未封装空白样[62]
Fig.3 (a)Package with thermoplastic sealant(Surlyn60); (b) Package with ultraviolet curing adhesive(Three bond); (c) Package with UV curable adhesive; (d) Package with polyimide tape and UV curable adhesive; (e) Use polyimide tape as primary seal, UV curable adhesive glass as secondary seal, and the most additional edge seal of three adhesive; (f) Unpacked blank sample[62]
图4 通过3种方法(不按比例)封装的PSC,FTO玻璃侧的横截面示意图和平面图[63]
Fig.4 Cross-sectional schematics and plan-view photographs from the FTO glass side of PSCs encapsulated by three methods(not to scale)[63]
图5 在120 ℃,相对湿度100%的条件下20 h后,第1代封装PSC在太阳能灯下拍摄的照片(a)EVA; (b) Surlyn; (c) 3M聚烯烃。另一组为在85 ℃老化1024 h后,第2代封装PSC在太阳能灯下拍摄的照片(d)弹性模量为20 MPa的“CVF”聚烯烃(e)弹性模量为7 MPa的“ENLIGHT”聚烯烃,顶部保护性ITO在(b)和(e)中以虚线矩形表示[64]
Fig.5 Pictures taken under a solar lamp of the 1st generation encapsulated PSCs in (a) Ethylene Vinyl Acetate(EVA) ; (b) Surlyn; (c) 3M′s Polyolefin after 20 hours at 120 ℃-100% relative humidity. Another set of pictures taken under the lamp of the 2nd generation encapsulated PSCs in (d) “CVF” Polyolefin with 20 MPa elastic modulus and (e) “ENLIGHT” Polyolefin with 7 MPa elastic modulus after 1024 h aging at 85 ℃ in ambient. The top protective ITOs are outlined in (b) and (e) as dash rectangles[64]
图7 封装结构示意图(a)含有石蜡的UV固化胶粘剂(UVCA); (b)不含石蜡的UVCA;含有石蜡的UVCA封装的设备的双面照片(c)和(e),不含石蜡的UVCA封装装置的双面照片(d)和(f)[68]
Fig.7 The schematic of encapsulation structure of (a) UVCA with paraffin and (b) UVCA without paraffin. The two-sided photo-image of device encapsulated by UVCA with paraffin of (c) and (e). The two-sided photo-image of device encapsulated by UVCA without paraffin of (d) and (f)[68]
图8 PSC玻璃-玻璃封装的示意图(顶行); (a) FTO玻璃基板上的钙钛矿型太阳能电池; (b)带有环氧封边胶的覆盖玻璃; (c)堆叠和UV固化,各阶段的实际照片见第2行[69]
Fig.8 Schematic illustration(top row)of glass-to-glass encapsulation of perovskite solar cell; (a) Perovskite solar cell on FTO glass substrate; (b) Epoxy edge sealant dispensed cover glass; (c) Stacking and UV curing. Actual photographs at respective stages are shown in the bottom row[69]
图11 (a)钙传感器(左)和PSC(右),钙传感器测试装置的结构为玻璃/ITO/钙传感器/粘合剂/屏障,PSC的结构为玻璃/ITO/SnO2/Al2O3/MAPbI3/Spiro-OMeTAD/Au/粘合剂/屏障。测试了不同的屏障,包括PET、玻璃和超高渗透屏障膜(UHPBF); (b)柔性PET、UHPBF-R、UHPBF-S屏障和刚性玻璃屏障的照片; (c) PET/ZTO/ORMOCER/ZTO(UHPBF-R)和(d) PEN/ZTO/ORMOCER/ZTO/ORMOCER/ZTO/ORMOCER/ZTO/SiO x C y Hz(UHPBF-S)屏障的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)[82]
Fig.11 (a) Layouts used to measure the degradation of calcium sensors (left) and perovskite solar cells (PSC, right). Calcium test devices had an architecture of glass/ITO/calcium/adhesive/barrier, and PSCs had a structure of glass/ITO/SnO2/Al2O3/MAPbI3/Spiro-OMeTAD/Au/adhesive/barrier. Different barriers were tested including PET, glass, and ultra-high permeation barrier films(UHPBF). (b) Photograph of flexible PET, UHPBF-R, and UHPBF-S barriers, and rigid glass barrier. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of (c) PET/ZTO/ORMOCER/ZTO (UHPB F-R) and (d) PEN/ZTO/ORMOCER/ZTO/ORMOCER/ZTO/SiO x C y Hz (UHPBF-S) barriers[82]
图12 (a)钙钛矿电池的横截面扫描电子显微镜图像; (b) PSCs封装内部结构示意图[84]
Fig.12 (a) Cross-sectional SEM image of the perovskite cell; (b) Schematic diagram of inner-encapsulated PSCs′ structure[84]
图14 (a)可打印PSC采用热熔胶膜和玻璃的封装方案; (b)封装电池[89]
Fig.14 (a) The scheme of the encapsulation of printable PSCs based on hot melt films and glass sheets; (b) The digital images of the encapsulated cells[89]
图15 封装的(FTO/cTiO2/mTiO2/MAPI/Spiro-OMeTAD/Au/ADA)器件的横截面扫描电子显微镜图像[91]
Fig.15 Representative cross-sectional SEM image of an encapsulated (FTO/cTiO2/mTiO2/MAPI/Spiro-OMeTAD/Au/ADA) devices[91]
图22 以30 nm ALD-Al2O3为封装材料的三阳离子混合卤化物钙钛矿装置示意图[99]
Fig.22 Schematic of triple cations mixed halide based perovskite devices with 30 nm ALD-Al2O3 on top of gold act as encap-sulant[99]
图23 FTO/bl-TiO2/mp-TiO2/MAPbI3/Spiro-OMeTAD/Au体系结构示意图; ALD-Al2O3封装层(不按比例)[101]
Fig.23 Schematic of the FTO/bl-TiO2/mp-TiO2/MAPbI3/Spiro-OMeTAD/Au architecture with the ALD-Al2O3 encapsulation layer proposed in this work (not to scale)[101]
图24 (a)PSC的结构示意图和带封装层的PSC的横截面扫描电子显微镜图像; (b)PSC上屏障层的透射电子显微镜图像[103]
Fig.24 (a) Structure schematic diagram of the perovskite solar cell and cross-section SEM image of perovskite solar cell with the encapsulation layer; (b) TEM image of the barrier layer on the perovskite solar cells[103]
图25 (a)PVP/环氧树脂封装的PSC的制造和测试示意图; (b)装置结构显示所有层及其近似厚度[104]
Fig.25 (a) A schematic of the fabrication and testing routine used to create perovskite solar cells incorporating a PVP/epoxy encapsulation; (b) Device architecture showing all layers, together with their approximate thicknesses[104]
图26 (右)封装的PSC示意图; (左)薄膜封装的横断面扫描电子显微镜图像[105]
Fig.26 (Right) Schematic illustration of the encapsulated PSC and (left) the cross-sectional SEM image of the TFE[105]
图27 (a)PSC器件结构及钙钛矿分解说明; (b)PSC封装层的保护机制及单复合层和双复合封装层的层结构[107]
Fig.27 (a) Device structure of perovskite solar cells and illustration of perovskite decomposition; (b) Protection mechanism of encapsulation layers in perovskite solar cells and the layer structures of single composite and double composite encapsulation layers[107]
聚合物封装材料 Polymer encapsulation materials | 封装温度 Encapsulation temperature/℃ | 成本 Cost($/kg) | 参考文献 Ref. |
PIB | 90~160 | 0.22~6.8 | [ |
EVA | 140~150 | 3.3~4.7 | [ |
Surlyn | 140 | 7.06(Surlyn DuPont 1702?1) | [ |
POE | 150 | 1.85(DuPont 8150) | [ |
UV curable resin | 20 | 145 | [ |
TPU | 80~140 | 4.87(TPU 460 Bayer) | [ |
表1 不同聚合物封装材料对比
Table 1 Comparison of different polymer packaging materials
聚合物封装材料 Polymer encapsulation materials | 封装温度 Encapsulation temperature/℃ | 成本 Cost($/kg) | 参考文献 Ref. |
PIB | 90~160 | 0.22~6.8 | [ |
EVA | 140~150 | 3.3~4.7 | [ |
Surlyn | 140 | 7.06(Surlyn DuPont 1702?1) | [ |
POE | 150 | 1.85(DuPont 8150) | [ |
UV curable resin | 20 | 145 | [ |
TPU | 80~140 | 4.87(TPU 460 Bayer) | [ |
图28 (a)三层玻璃激光辅助密封结构; (b)封装无HTM PSC装置示意图[112]
Fig.28 Schematic view of (a) the triple layer glass frit laser assisted sealing configuration and (b) encapsulated HTM-free PSC device[112]
图29 圆柱形封装和未封装柔性PSCs的长期稳定性试验(a-d)从不同角度拍摄圆柱形封装的装置照片(e-g)[114]
Fig.29 Long-term stability test of the flexible PSCs left in encapsulated in cylindrical type and without encapsulation(a-d). Photographs of the cylindrical type encapsulated device from different angles(e-g)[114]
图30 (A)在“一锅”中混合FA基钙钛矿前驱体溶液和二氧化硅前驱体; (B)通过正硅酸乙酯与水的水解反应形成二氧化硅低聚物; (C)FA基钙钛矿薄膜的形成过程,该薄膜由包含前体溶液的二氧化硅低聚物中的单个二氧化硅包裹颗粒组成[115]
Fig.30 Schematic illustration showing (A) the mixing of the FA-based perovskite precursor solution and the silica precursors in “one pot”, (B) the formation of silica oligomers via the hydrolysis reaction of TEOS with water and (C) the formation process of the FA-based perovskite film consisting of individual silica-encapsulated grains from the silica-oligomers-containing precursor solution[115]
图31 (a)半透明太阳能电池横截面的SEM图像; 层顺序为: 玻璃/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPbI3/PCBM/AZO/SnO x /Ag/SnO x; (b)正向和反向测量的典型J-V特性,已使用外部量子效率(EQE)数据对AM1.5光源光谱失配的电流密度值进行了校正,插图为相应的光伏参数[116]
Fig.31 (a) SEM image of cross section of the semitransparent solar cell with the layer sequence: Glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/ MAPbI3/PCBM/AZO/SnO x /Ag/SnO x; (b)Representative J-V characteristics measured in the forward and reverse direction. Note, current density values have been corrected for spectral mismatch of our AM1.5 light source by using external quantum efficiency (EQE) data. The inset shows the corresponding photovoltaic parameters[116]
图33 在去离子水中浸泡不同时间后, (a)钙钛矿型薄膜; (b)钙钛矿薄膜/spiro-OMeTAD薄膜; (c)钙钛矿薄膜/聚酰亚胺带; (d)钙钛矿薄膜/spiro-OMeTAD薄膜/聚酰亚胺带的非原位紫外-可见吸收光谱[119]
Fig.33 Ex situ UV-Vis absorption spectra of perovskite film (a), perovskite/spiro-OMeTAD film (b), perovskite/PI tape film (c) and perovskite/spiro-OMeTAD/PI tape film (d) after immersion in DI water for different time[119]
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