应用化学 ›› 2025, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 117-123.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.240219

• 化学教学与实验创新 • 上一篇    


徐守萍(), 曾丽花, 皮丕辉, 文秀芳, 程江   

  1. 华南理工大学化学与化工学院,广州 510000
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-24 接受日期:2024-10-20 出版日期:2025-01-01 发布日期:2025-01-24
  • 通讯作者: 徐守萍
  • 基金资助:

Comprehensive Polymer Chemistry Experimental Design: Preparation of Hydrophilic Sponge

Shou-Ping XU(), Li-Hua ZENG, Pi-Hui PI, Xiu-Fang WEN, Jiang CHENG   

  1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510000,China
  • Received:2024-08-24 Accepted:2024-10-20 Published:2025-01-01 Online:2025-01-24
  • Contact: Shou-Ping XU
  • About author:cespxu@scut.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    the South China University of Technology Teaching and Research Reform Project 2023 and Zhuhai Basic and Applied Basic Research Project(2320004002737)


聚乙烯醇缩醛海绵具有亲水性、高强度、高回弹以及可降解性,在很多领域均具有广泛的应用。本实验采用聚乙烯醇和醛作为主要原料,通过表面活性剂发泡制备聚乙烯醇缩醛亲水海绵擦,并探索用相对低毒性的乙醛、丙醛代替传统工艺中高毒性的甲醛。 实验设计分组研究甲醛、乙醛和丙醛缩醛反应能力的差异,从而更好地理解缩醛反应的机理; 测试方面运用傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、万能拉力仪表征聚合物和材料结构,引导学生分析聚合物性能与结构之间的联系,培养学生深入思考的能力; 成品海绵可作为工作台清洁工具,增加实验的趣味性。 本实验是集合文献查阅、基础实验操作、材料性能表征以及应用性能为一体的综合研究型实验,有助于学生加深理解,同时锻炼主动分析问题、探究解决方案的能力,可以有效培养学生的实验技能和科学思维。

关键词: 聚乙烯醇海绵, 缩醛反应, 高分子化学, 综合型实验


Polyvinyl alcohol acetal sponges are hydrophilic, biodegradable, and have high strength and good resilience, which are widely used in many fields. Surfactant foaming method was applied to prepare the sponge. The experiment is designed to compare the reaction ability of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and propionaldehyde acetal, so as to understand the mechanism of the acetal reaction better; the infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and tensile strength instrument was used to characterize the polymer and material structure, meanwhile inspire students to analyze the connection between polymer properties and structure, and cultivate the ability to think deeply; Finally, the sponges can be used as a workbench cleaning tool, and increases the interestingness of the experiment. In conclusion, this experiment is a comprehensive research experiment that combines literature review, basic experimental operation, material property characterization and application performance. As a teaching case, it may cultivate students' experimental skills and scientific thinking effectively.

Key words: Polyvinyl alcohol sponge, Acetal reaction, Polymer chemistry, Integrated experiment
