应用化学 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8): 1274-1284.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.210493
Yue-Hua ZHAO1,2, Da-Peng WANG1,2()
Da-Peng WANG
About author:
wdp@ciac.ac.cnSupported by:
赵跃华, 王大鹏. 氨基化氧化石墨烯和脂肪酸在水-油界面的共吸附动力学[J]. 应用化学, 2022, 39(8): 1274-1284.
Yue-Hua ZHAO, Da-Peng WANG. Coadsorption Kinetics of Amino‑Functionalized Graphene Oxide and Fatty Acids at the Water/Oil Interface[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2022, 39(8): 1274-1284.
图3 单一的PA和NH2-PEG-GO体系: (a1) 0.05 mg/mL PA; (a2) 5 mg/mL PA; (b1) 0.1 mg/mL NH2-PEG-GO; (b2) 5 mg/mL NH2-PEG-GO和 (c1) 0.05 mg/mL PA、0.1 mg/mL NH2-PEG-GO 二元体系下,水-正辛烷动态界面张力与测试时间关系
Fig.3 Dynamic interfacial tension of the octane/water interface with time for single systems of sole PA and NH2-PEG-GO: (a1) 0.05 mg/mL PA, (a2) 5 mg/mL PA, (b1) 0.1 mg/mL NH2-PEG-GO, (b2) 5 mg/mL NH2-PEG-GO and binary systems of (c1) 0.05 mg/mL PA and 0.1 mg/mL NH2-PEG-GO
序号 No. | 组成 Compound | 流体力学半径 Rh/nm | 界面吸附面积 A/nm2 | 本体扩散系数 D/(m2·s-1) |
1 2 | PA | 5.73 | 0.36 | 7.5×10-10 |
NH2?PEG?GO | 80 | 4329 | 3.06×10-12 |
表1 PA和NH2?PEG?GO分子的基本参数
Table 1 Basic parameters of PA and NH2?PEG?GO
序号 No. | 组成 Compound | 流体力学半径 Rh/nm | 界面吸附面积 A/nm2 | 本体扩散系数 D/(m2·s-1) |
1 2 | PA | 5.73 | 0.36 | 7.5×10-10 |
NH2?PEG?GO | 80 | 4329 | 3.06×10-12 |
图4 不同质量浓度NH2-PEG-GO(A)动态界面张力IFT与t-1/2 关系曲线和(B)有效扩散常数Deff以及吸附势垒ΔG
Fig.4 (A) Dynamic interfacial tension data plotted against t-1/2, (B) Effective diffusion coefficient and adsorption barrier of different mass concentration NH2-PEG-GO
图6 油相中PA质量浓度为(A)0 mg/mL 和(B)0.5 mg/mL时,正辛烷/水之间的界面张力随NH2-PEG-GO质量浓度的变化曲线
Fig.6 Interfacial tension between octane/water decays as a function of the mass concentration of PA: (A) 0 mg/mL, (B) 0.5 mg/mL
图7 水相中NH2-PEG-GO质量浓度为(A)0 mg/mL 和(B)0.1 mg/mL时,正辛烷/水之间的界面张力随PA质量浓度的变化曲线
Fig.7 Interfacial tension between octane/water decays as a function of the mass concentration of PA: (A) 0 mg/mL, (B) 0.1 mg/mL
图9 不同质量浓度、不同烷基链长度脂肪酸(A)C10、(B)C16和(C)C20在NH2-PEG-GO水-正辛烷溶液之间界面张力随时间演变曲线及(D)不同烷基链长度脂肪酸的平衡界面张力随脂肪酸质量浓度变化曲线,NH2-PEG-GO质量浓度固定为0.1 mg/mL
Fig.9 Time evolution of interfacial tension between 0.1 mg/mL NH2-PEG-GO solutions and octane solutions at different fatty acids mass concentrations of (A) C10, (B) C16, (C) C20, (D) The curves of the equilibrium IFT vs. the mass concentration of fatty acids with different linear alkyl groups, NH2-PEG-GO at fixed 0.1 mg/mL
序号 No. | 组成 Composition | 数均相对分子质量 Mn | 流体力学半径 Rh/nm | 本体扩散系数 D/(m2·s-1) |
1 2 | C10 | 172.26 | 4.33 | 9.9×10-10 |
C16 | 256.42 | 5.73 | 7.5×10-10 | |
3 | C20 | 312.53 | 6.59 | 6.5×10-10 |
表2 脂肪酸分子的基本参数
Table 2 Basic parameters of fatty acids
序号 No. | 组成 Composition | 数均相对分子质量 Mn | 流体力学半径 Rh/nm | 本体扩散系数 D/(m2·s-1) |
1 2 | C10 | 172.26 | 4.33 | 9.9×10-10 |
C16 | 256.42 | 5.73 | 7.5×10-10 | |
3 | C20 | 312.53 | 6.59 | 6.5×10-10 |
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