应用化学 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 888-899.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.210211
郭峤志, 杨振华(), 张月霞, 孟雅婷, 曹宇娟, 孙宣森, 张琪琦, 双少敏, 董川
Qiao-Zhi GUO, Zhen-Hua YANG(), Yue-Xia ZHANG, Ya-Ting MENG, Yu-Juan CAO, Xuan-Sen SUN, Qi-Qi ZHANG, Shao-Min SHUANG, Chuan DONG
Zhen-Hua YANG
About author:
yzh429@sxu.edu.cnSupported by:
郭峤志, 杨振华, 张月霞, 孟雅婷, 曹宇娟, 孙宣森, 张琪琦, 双少敏, 董川. 基于柠檬酸的石墨烯量子点的制备及其应用[J]. 应用化学, 2022, 39(6): 888-899.
Qiao-Zhi GUO, Zhen-Hua YANG, Yue-Xia ZHANG, Ya-Ting MENG, Yu-Juan CAO, Xuan-Sen SUN, Qi-Qi ZHANG, Shao-Min SHUANG, Chuan DONG. Synthesis and Applications of Graphene Quantum Dots Derived from Citric Acid[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2022, 39(6): 888-899.
图4 基于柠檬酸的石墨烯量子点最大发射波长处发射光强与Hg(Ⅱ)浓度间关系[17]
Fig.4 Linear relation between maximum PL intensity of graphene quantum dots derived from citric acid and concentration of Hg(Ⅱ)[17]
图6 柠檬酸和氨水制备的氮掺杂量子点荧光淬灭程度与Fe(Ⅲ)浓度之间的关系[36]
Fig.6 PL spectra of nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots derived from citric acid and ammonia with various concentrations of Fe3+ ions[36]
图7 以柠檬酸为前驱体、半胱氨酸为配体合成硫氮共掺杂石墨烯量子点的示意图[65]
Fig.7 Synthesis illustration of nitrogen, sulfur co-doped graphene quantum dots by the carbonization of citric acid with L-cysteine[65]
图8 以柠檬酸为前驱体、半胱氨酸为配体合成硫氮共掺杂石墨烯量子点的原子力显微镜图像[65]
Fig.8 TEM image of nitrogen, sulfur co-doped graphene quantum dots derived from citric acid and L-cysteine[65]
图9 以柠檬酸为前驱体、半胱氨酸为配体合成硫氮共掺杂石墨烯量子点在不同Fe(Ⅲ)浓度下的荧光强度比率[65]
Fig.9 The linear curve of the (F0-F)/F0vs Fe3+ concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 3.0 μmol/L[65]
前驱体 Precursor | 检出限 Limit of detection, LOD | 线性范围 Linear range | 检测物质 Analytes |
柠檬酸 (Citric Acid, CA)[ | 9.87 nmol/L | 0~20 μmol/L | Hg2+ |
CA、氨水 (Ammonia)[ | 0.34 nmol/L | 0.34~1300 nmol/L | 博莱霉素 (Bleomycin, BLM) |
0.15 U/mL | 0.43~3.85 U/mL | 酪氨酸酶 (Tyrosinase, TYR) | |
0.014 mU/mL | 0.04~0.07 mU/mL | 酸性磷酸酶 (Acid Phosphatase, ACP) | |
CA、甘氨酸 (Glycine, Gly)[ | 8.3 nmol/L | 0~3 μmol/L | Hg2+ |
CA、谷氨酸 (Glutamic Acid, Glu)[ | 91 nmol/L | 0.1~100 μmol/L | Cr5+ |
0.37 fmol/L | 1.0~1×105 fmol/L | 啶虫脒 (Acetamiprid) | |
CA、尿素 (Urea)[ | 0.05 μmol/L | 0.05~0.25 μmol/L | Hg2+ |
0.5 mmol/L | 0.5~40 mmol/L | H2O2 | |
9.28×10-7 mol/L | 1.49×10-6~ 2.02×10-5 mol/L | 赖氨酸 (Lysine) | |
CA、尿素 (Urea)、硼酸 (Boric Acid)[ | 4.3 nmol/L | 0~4 μmol/L | Hg2+ |
CA、硝酸 (Nitric Acid)、 硝酸钾(Potassium Nitrate)[ | 13.19 μmol/L | 100~500 μmol/L | Cu2+ |
0.42 μmol/L | 20~100 μmol/L | Hg2+ | |
CA、缬氨酸 (Valine, Val)[ | 0.4 nmol/L | 0.8~1000 nmol/L | Hg2+ |
CA、半胱氨酸 (Cysteine, Cys)[ | 3.3 nmol/L | 0.01~3 μmol/L | Fe3+ |
0.52 μmol/L | 10~400 μmol/L | CN- | |
CA、二乙胺基二硫代甲酸钠 (Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamatre)[ | 0.8 μg/L | 1~10 μg/L | Pb2+ |
CA、青霉胺 (Penicillamine)[ | 0.69 nmol/L | 0.9~30 nmol/L | Hg2+ |
CA、亚硫酸制纸浆的残留物 (Sulfite?pulping Procedure Residue)[ | 4.7 μmol/L | 0.005~500 μmol/L | Ag+ |
CA、植酸钠 (Phytic Acid Dodecasodium from Rice)、 硫酸钠 (Sodium Sulphate)[ | 0.3 μmol/L | 0.7~9 μmol/L | NO2- |
CA、硫脲 (Thiourea)[ | 5.5 μmol/L | 5.5~66 mmol/L | 葡萄糖 (Glucose) |
1.2 μmol/L | 10~500 μmol/L | 抗坏血酸 (Ascorbic Acid) | |
0.3 pg/ml | 0.001~50 ng/mL | 心肌肌钙蛋白I (Cardiac Troponin I) | |
CA、聚吡咯 (Polypyrrole)[ | 0.022 μg/L | 0.067~233 μg/L | 对乙酰氨基酚 (Paracetamol) |
1.05 μg/L | 3.33~997.5 μg/L | 抗坏血酸 (Ascorbic Acid) | |
CA、三聚氰胺 (Melamine)[ | 20 nmol/L | 0.1~120 μmol/L | 美他环素 (Methacycline) |
CA、谷胱甘肽 (Glutathione, GSH)[ | 0.00037 U/mL | 0.001~2 U/mL | 乙酰胆碱酯酶 (Acetyl Cholinesterase) |
0.81 μmol/L | 1~1000 μmol/L | 焦磷酸根 (Pyrophosphate) | |
4.2 μmol/L | 14~170 μmol/L | 卡普利托 (Caporetto) |
表1 CA?GQDs在检测上的应用
Table 1 Applications of CA?GQDs on detecting
前驱体 Precursor | 检出限 Limit of detection, LOD | 线性范围 Linear range | 检测物质 Analytes |
柠檬酸 (Citric Acid, CA)[ | 9.87 nmol/L | 0~20 μmol/L | Hg2+ |
CA、氨水 (Ammonia)[ | 0.34 nmol/L | 0.34~1300 nmol/L | 博莱霉素 (Bleomycin, BLM) |
0.15 U/mL | 0.43~3.85 U/mL | 酪氨酸酶 (Tyrosinase, TYR) | |
0.014 mU/mL | 0.04~0.07 mU/mL | 酸性磷酸酶 (Acid Phosphatase, ACP) | |
CA、甘氨酸 (Glycine, Gly)[ | 8.3 nmol/L | 0~3 μmol/L | Hg2+ |
CA、谷氨酸 (Glutamic Acid, Glu)[ | 91 nmol/L | 0.1~100 μmol/L | Cr5+ |
0.37 fmol/L | 1.0~1×105 fmol/L | 啶虫脒 (Acetamiprid) | |
CA、尿素 (Urea)[ | 0.05 μmol/L | 0.05~0.25 μmol/L | Hg2+ |
0.5 mmol/L | 0.5~40 mmol/L | H2O2 | |
9.28×10-7 mol/L | 1.49×10-6~ 2.02×10-5 mol/L | 赖氨酸 (Lysine) | |
CA、尿素 (Urea)、硼酸 (Boric Acid)[ | 4.3 nmol/L | 0~4 μmol/L | Hg2+ |
CA、硝酸 (Nitric Acid)、 硝酸钾(Potassium Nitrate)[ | 13.19 μmol/L | 100~500 μmol/L | Cu2+ |
0.42 μmol/L | 20~100 μmol/L | Hg2+ | |
CA、缬氨酸 (Valine, Val)[ | 0.4 nmol/L | 0.8~1000 nmol/L | Hg2+ |
CA、半胱氨酸 (Cysteine, Cys)[ | 3.3 nmol/L | 0.01~3 μmol/L | Fe3+ |
0.52 μmol/L | 10~400 μmol/L | CN- | |
CA、二乙胺基二硫代甲酸钠 (Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamatre)[ | 0.8 μg/L | 1~10 μg/L | Pb2+ |
CA、青霉胺 (Penicillamine)[ | 0.69 nmol/L | 0.9~30 nmol/L | Hg2+ |
CA、亚硫酸制纸浆的残留物 (Sulfite?pulping Procedure Residue)[ | 4.7 μmol/L | 0.005~500 μmol/L | Ag+ |
CA、植酸钠 (Phytic Acid Dodecasodium from Rice)、 硫酸钠 (Sodium Sulphate)[ | 0.3 μmol/L | 0.7~9 μmol/L | NO2- |
CA、硫脲 (Thiourea)[ | 5.5 μmol/L | 5.5~66 mmol/L | 葡萄糖 (Glucose) |
1.2 μmol/L | 10~500 μmol/L | 抗坏血酸 (Ascorbic Acid) | |
0.3 pg/ml | 0.001~50 ng/mL | 心肌肌钙蛋白I (Cardiac Troponin I) | |
CA、聚吡咯 (Polypyrrole)[ | 0.022 μg/L | 0.067~233 μg/L | 对乙酰氨基酚 (Paracetamol) |
1.05 μg/L | 3.33~997.5 μg/L | 抗坏血酸 (Ascorbic Acid) | |
CA、三聚氰胺 (Melamine)[ | 20 nmol/L | 0.1~120 μmol/L | 美他环素 (Methacycline) |
CA、谷胱甘肽 (Glutathione, GSH)[ | 0.00037 U/mL | 0.001~2 U/mL | 乙酰胆碱酯酶 (Acetyl Cholinesterase) |
0.81 μmol/L | 1~1000 μmol/L | 焦磷酸根 (Pyrophosphate) | |
4.2 μmol/L | 14~170 μmol/L | 卡普利托 (Caporetto) |
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