应用化学 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 86-98.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.210478
ZHANG Yun-Lei1,2,ZHAO Wei-Yi1,2,MA Shuan-Hong1(),ZHOU Feng1(
Shuan-Hong MA,Feng ZHOU
About author:
mashuanhong@licp.cas.cn; zhouf@licp.cas.cnSupported by:
张云雷, 赵蔚祎, 麻拴红, 周峰. 仿生干湿摩擦黏附器件的研究进展[J]. 应用化学, 2022, 39(1): 86-98.
ZHANG Yun-Lei, ZHAO Wei-Yi, MA Shuan-Hong, ZHOU Feng. Recent Progress of Biomimetic Dry/Wet Friction Adhesion Devices[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2022, 39(1): 86-98.
图1 (a - d)壁虎及其脚趾上的疏水多级分形微纳结构[3, 5]; (e - h)树蛙及其脚掌的亲水六边形结构[12]; (i - j)章鱼及其触手的吸盘结构[14, 21] ; (k - m)贻贝及其足丝蛋白[22]
Fig.1 (a - d) A gecko and the hydrophobic multistage fractal structures on its toes[3,5]; (e - h) A tree frog and the hydrophilic hexagonal structures on its feet pads[12]; (i - j) A octopus and the suckers on its tentacles[14,21]; (k - m) Mussel and its byssus protein[22]
图2 (a)壁虎与树蛙启发的梯度模量结构化表面摩擦黏附器件; (b - d)梯度模量结构化表面PDMS制备过程与形貌[33]; (e - g)蛇皮启发的结构化表面干摩擦器件光学照片与形貌[37]; (h)刺激响聚氨酯结构化表面黏附器件; (i)刺激响应黏附器件的可逆黏附行为演示[38]
Fig.2 (a) A gecko and tree frog inspired gradient modulus structured device for friction and adhesion; (b - d) The preparation process and morphology of gradient modulus structured PDMS[33]; (e - g) Optical photographs and morphology of structured surface of the snakeskin-inspired dry friction device[37]; (h) Stimulus responsive structured polyurethane adhesive. (i) Reversible adhesion behavior of adhesive devices[38]
图3 (a)多巴胺为基础的微观可逆相互作用[18]; (b)主客体识别耦合温度亲疏水响应的可逆黏附策略[19]; (c)界面吸水策略与动态调控策略耦合的可逆黏附策略[53]
Fig.3 (a) Dopamine-based surface and interface interactions[18]; (b) Reversible adhesion strategy based on host-guest interactions and thermal responsive properties[19]; (c) Reversible adhesion strategy based on interface water absorption and dynamic bonding[53]
图4 (a)仿壁虎脚趾的自剥离形状记忆聚合物器件与其贴合、剥离接触状态[58]; (b)热响应液晶为基础的弯曲形变剥离器件以及抓取释放硅片演示[60]; (c)基于Diels-alder反应的自愈合压力驱动抓取器件与抓取物体演示[61]
Fig.4 (a) Attachment and peeling states of the gecko toes inspired self-peeling shape memory polymer devices[58];(b) The grasping and releasing demonstration of the liquid crystal based device[60];(c) The grasping and releasing demonstration of the self-healing pressure driven grasping device based on Diels-Alder reaction[61]
图5 (a)壁虎脚表面微结构耦合本体形变诱导可逆抓取的黏附器件[62]; (b)表面微结构耦合不对称基底曲率的策略实现液滴转移[65]; (c)表面微结构耦合本体机械形变的软体机器人[67]
Fig.5 (a) A reversible adhesion device realized by the combining effect of surface microstructure and mechanical deformation[62]; (b) A droplet transfer device realized by coupling the surface microstructure and asymmetric substrate curvature[65]; (c) Locomotion of smart soft robot achieved by coupling the surface microstructure and mechanical deformation of body[67]
图6 (a)表面微结构耦合界面化学增强水下可逆黏附策略[40]; (b)近红外调控界面浸润性实现水下可逆黏附策略[42]; (c)微结构接触界面间水膜破裂产生的毛细作用用于界面摩擦增强策略[70]; (d)结构化黏性水凝胶器件[76]
Fig.6 (a) An underwater reversible adhesion strategy based on surface microstructure and enhanced by surface chemistry[40]; (b) An underwater reversible adhesion strategy achieved by Near-infrared (NIR) regulation of interface wettability[42]; (c) A friction strengthen strategy achieved by the capillary force generated from water film rupture between microstructural contact interfaces[70]; (d) Structured adhesion hydrogel devices[76]
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