应用化学 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 154-176.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.210491
ZHOU Hui1,2,GUO Zhi-Guang1,2()
Zhi-Guang GUO
About author:
zguo@hubu.edu.cnSupported by:
周慧, 郭志光. 高效集水仿生超浸润材料的研究进展[J]. 应用化学, 2022, 39(1): 154-176.
ZHOU Hui, GUO Zhi-Guang. Recent Developments of Biomimetic Superwetting Materials for High Efficiency Water Collection[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2022, 39(1): 154-176.
图1 (a)仙人掌光学图[21];(b)单根仙人掌刺电镜图[21];(c)仙人掌刺表面的雾水收集机制[21];(d - f)纳米比亚沙漠甲虫及其鞘翅表面图[19];(g)不同体积的甲虫图[35]
Fig.1 (a) Optical images of the cactus[21];(b) SEM image of a single spine[21];(c) Mechanism of the fog harvesting on a spine[21];(d - f) Optical images of the desert beetle Stenocara sp[19];(g) Four model beetles with different size[35]
图2 (a)干蜘蛛丝结构图[20];(b)湿润后蛛丝结构图[20];(c)Cotula fallax雾水收集图[44];(d)Syntrichia caninervis光学图及其芒的电子显微镜图[45]
Fig.2 (a) Structure of dry silk of spider[20]; (b) Structure of wet-rebuilt spider silk[20]; (c) Water collected by Cotula fallax[44]; (d)Morphology of Syntrichia caninervis and the associated awns[45]
序号 No. | 生物 Creature | 结构特征 Structural feature | 液滴运输原因 The reason of droplet transport | 文献 Ref. |
1 | 仙人掌 Cactus | 锥状刺+毛状体 Spines and trichomes | 粗糙度梯度+结构梯度Gradient of roughness and conical shape | |
2 | 沙漠甲虫 Desert beetle | 亲水凸起+疏水四周 Hydrophilic bugle and hydrophobic surroundings | 润湿性梯度 Gradient of wettability | |
3 | 蜘蛛丝 Spider silk | 纺锤-链接结构(湿环境) Periodic puffs and joints | 结构梯度 Gradient of morphology | |
4 | Cotula fallax叶 Cotula fallax leaf | 3D层次结构:叶子+绒毛Three?dimensional hierarchical structures: leaf and fluff | 多尺度梯度 Multiscale gradient | |
5 | 斗篷草 Lady's mantle | 超疏水叶片+亲水中心区 Hydrophilic areas on superhydrophobic surfaces | 润湿性梯度 Gradient of wettability | |
6 | 羽扇豆 Lupin | |||
7 | 大戟 Euphorbia |
表1 自然界的雾水收集现象
Table 1 The water collection in nature
序号 No. | 生物 Creature | 结构特征 Structural feature | 液滴运输原因 The reason of droplet transport | 文献 Ref. |
1 | 仙人掌 Cactus | 锥状刺+毛状体 Spines and trichomes | 粗糙度梯度+结构梯度Gradient of roughness and conical shape | |
2 | 沙漠甲虫 Desert beetle | 亲水凸起+疏水四周 Hydrophilic bugle and hydrophobic surroundings | 润湿性梯度 Gradient of wettability | |
3 | 蜘蛛丝 Spider silk | 纺锤-链接结构(湿环境) Periodic puffs and joints | 结构梯度 Gradient of morphology | |
4 | Cotula fallax叶 Cotula fallax leaf | 3D层次结构:叶子+绒毛Three?dimensional hierarchical structures: leaf and fluff | 多尺度梯度 Multiscale gradient | |
5 | 斗篷草 Lady's mantle | 超疏水叶片+亲水中心区 Hydrophilic areas on superhydrophobic surfaces | 润湿性梯度 Gradient of wettability | |
6 | 羽扇豆 Lupin | |||
7 | 大戟 Euphorbia |
图3 (a - c)Young式方程模型、Wenzel模型和Cassie模型;(d, e)液滴在水平表面及倾斜表面的运动趋势;(f)液滴在具有润湿梯度的表面上的运动趋势[59];(g, h)不同润湿性锥形表面的液滴移动机理[60];(i)液滴在具有粗糙度梯度的表面上的运动趋势[21]
Fig.3 (a - c) Young model, Wenzel model and Cassie model;(d, e) The movement trend of droplet on horizontal surface and inclined surface;(f) The movement trend of droplet on surface with wettability gradient[59];(g, h) Mechanism of water drop motion on conical surface with different wettability[60];(i) The movement trend of droplet on conical surface with roughness gradient[21]
图4 (a)粒子困在圆柱体周围[77];(b)油弯月板引诱的液滴移动[78];(c)苎麻叶图片[81];(d)荷叶图片[83];(e, f)液滴沿横截面方向渗透具有润湿性梯度的微柱膜[85];(g)液滴在Janus膜上单向渗透的机理[86]
Fig.4 (a) Photos of particles trapped against the cylinders[77];(b) Directionally pumping droplets by capillary force on slippery surface with oil meniscus[78];(c) The photos of the ramee[81];(d) The photos of lotus leaves[83];(e, f) The droplet penetration through a microcylinder membrane with a wettability gradient[85];(g) Mechanism of unidirectional water penetration on a Janus film [86]
图5 (a)3D打印法制备仙人掌刺阵列[95];(b, c)仿仙人掌集水装置的雾水收集过程[96];(d)液滴在振动作用和拉普拉斯梯度下定向运输[97]
Fig.5 (a) Schematic diagram of 3D-printed cactus-mimetic spine arrays[95];(b, c) The fog collection process of the cactus-inspired device[96];(d) The directional water droplet transport under the cone utilizing vibration and the Laplace force gradient [97]
图6 (a)材料表面的接触角及水下油接触角图[98];(b)不同倾斜角度下的集水量[98];(c)不同循环次数下的集水量[98];(d, f)不同前驱物比例样品集水量[99];(e)雾水收集过程[99];(g) 不同样品上水滴的自诱导去除机理示意图[103]
Fig.6 (a) The water contact angle and oil contact angle in water[98];(b) The weight of water harvested at different inclined angles[98];(c) The weight of water harvested under 30 cycles[98];(d. f) Amount of water harvested by various superwetting sample surfaces[99];(e) Optical photographs of the fog harvesting progress[99];(g) Schematic illustration of the self-induced removal mechanism of water droplets on different samples[103]
图7 (a, b) 3D纤维网络的集水过程及机理[106];(c, d)火龙果及仿火龙果的3D集水装置图[107];(e, f)不同润湿性表面集水过程及集水量[108]
Fig.7 (a, b) Illustration of the water-collecting process and mechanism of bioinspired 3D network[106];(c, d) Optical image of pitaya and the schematic diagram of the 3D fog collector[107];(e, f) Images of the harvesting progress and the water weight of different samples[108]
图8 (a)具有周期粗糙度梯度的锥形铜线的集水过程[92];(b)设计的集水装置图及集水效率[92];(d, e)组合集水装置的雾水收集机理[113]
Fig.8 (a) Illustration of fog collection on an artificial periodic roughness-gradient conical copper wire[92];(b) Estimation of water collection rates by water collector[92];(d, e) The mechanism of fog collection by water collector[113]
图9 (a) Janus铜网示意图[114];(b) Janus铜网雾水收集过程[114];(c) 3D集水装置[114];(d) 2D和3D集水装置集水量[114];(e-g)不同表面雾水收集过程图及不同表面、不同条件下的集水量[116]
Fig.9 (a) A sketch of the alternating nanoscale (hydrophilic-hydrophobic)/hydrophilic Janus cooperative copper mesh[114];(b) Unidirectional water transport and fog collection on Janus copper mesh[114];(c) A sketch of 3D fog collector[114];(d) The amount of water harvested by 2D flat-like fog harvesting (curve A) and by JM-style fog harvesting (curve B)[114];(e-g) The fog harvesting procedure and the amount of collected water of different samples[116]
图10 (a)具有中空凸起阵列的多生物仿生滑移表面示意图[117];(b, c)雾水收集中,收集的水量及其总量占比[117];(d - f)多生物特征集水材料设计[118]
Fig.10 (a) Schemes of the multi-bioinspired slippery surfaces with hollow bump arrays[117];(b, c) The amount of collected water and the proportion of water collected relative to the water sprayed on the surface during the water collection cycle[117];(d - f) Design of water collector inspired by multiple creatures[118]
序号 No. | 生物仿生 Biomimetic | 制备方法 Preparation | 集水材料 Fog collector | 雾流速 Flow speed/(cm·s-1) | 雾流量 Flow rate | 温度 Temperature/℃ | 湿度 Humidity/% | 集水量 Water collection rate | 文献 Ref. |
1 | 仙人掌 Cactus | 3D打印法 3D printing | 疏水微锥 Hydrophobic multibranched spines | 100 | - | 室温 Room temperature | 95 | 2 mg/(min·mm3) | |
2 | 仙人掌 Cactus | 磁性粒子辅助成型法 Magnetic particle?assisted molding method | 疏水微锥阵列 +亲水棉花基底 Hydrophobic conical arrays with the hydrophilic cotton matrix | 45~50 | - | 23 | - | 3 mL/10 min | |
3 | 甲壳虫 Desert beetle | 水热法+浸涂法+后修饰法 Hydrothermal, dip?coating and post?modification method | 亲/疏水性相间 不锈钢网 Hydrophilic/hydrophobic hybrid stainless?steel mesh | 50 | 0.07 g/s | - | - | 977 mg/(h·cm2) | |
4 | 甲壳虫 Desert beetle | 喷涂法+后修饰法 Spraying method and post?modification | 亲/疏水性相间 不锈钢网 Hydrophilic/hydrophobic hybrid stainless?steel mesh | 50 | 0.07 g/s | 25 | 85~90 | 1 707.25 mg/(h·cm2) | |
5 | 甲壳虫 Desert beetle | 层层自组装沉积法 LBL self?assembly deposition method | 亲/疏水性相间铜网 Hydrophilic/hydrophobic hybrid copper mesh | 50 | 0.07 g/s | 22 | 90 | 571 mg/(h·cm2) | |
6 | 蜘蛛丝 Spider silk | 微流控法 Microfluidic method | 人造蜘蛛网 Artificial spider silk web | - | 100 g/(s·m2) | 25 | - | 600 g/h | |
7 | 蜘蛛丝 Spider silk | 水热法 Hydrothermal method | 亲水性3D纤维网 Hydrophilic 3D fiber web | 75 | - | 0 | - | 36.07 g/h | |
8 | 火龙果叶片Plant Pitaya | 化学刻蚀+后修饰法 Chemical etching and post?modification | 3D集水组合 3D water collector | 60 | 0.037 g/s | 24 | - | 8.64 g/30 min | |
9 | 猪笼草 Nepenthes | 水热法+光催化反应 Hydrothermal and photocatalysis reaction | 疏水滑移表面 Hydrophobic slippery surface | 50 | 0.07 g/s | 18 | 90 | ~1.126 g/30 min | |
10 | 猪笼草 Nepenthes | 喷涂法 Spraying method | 疏水滑移表面 Hydrophobic slippery surface | 40~50 | 0.07 g/s | 18±2 | 85 | ~460.5 mg/(h·cm2) | |
11 | 甲壳虫+Janus 浸润性 Desert beetle and Janus wettability | 液相修饰法 Liquidus modification | 亲水/疏水性相间+Janus浸润性铜网 (Hydrophilic?hydrophobic)/hydrophilic Janus cooperative copper mesh | 50 | 0.07 g/s | 18 | 90 | 2.2 g/(h·cm2) | |
12 | 甲壳虫+Janus浸润性 Desert beetle and Janus wettability | 水热法+光催化法 Hydrothermal and photocatalysis reaction | 亲水/疏水性相间+Janus浸润性泡沫铜 (Hydrophilic?hydrophobic)/hydrophilic Janus cooperative copper foam | 25 | ~0.056 g/s | 25 | 70 | 2.39 g/h | |
13 | 仙人掌+甲壳虫+猪笼草 Cactus, desert beetle and Nepentes | 化学刻蚀+电沉积法 Chemical etching and electrochemical?deposition | 亲水/疏水性相间锥形铜针+亲水滑移表面 Conical copper needles with gradient wettability and hydrophilic slippery surface | 25 | ~0.056 g/s | 15 | 70 | 8.83 g/h |
表2 雾水收集材料研究进展
Table 2 The research progress of materials for water collection
序号 No. | 生物仿生 Biomimetic | 制备方法 Preparation | 集水材料 Fog collector | 雾流速 Flow speed/(cm·s-1) | 雾流量 Flow rate | 温度 Temperature/℃ | 湿度 Humidity/% | 集水量 Water collection rate | 文献 Ref. |
1 | 仙人掌 Cactus | 3D打印法 3D printing | 疏水微锥 Hydrophobic multibranched spines | 100 | - | 室温 Room temperature | 95 | 2 mg/(min·mm3) | |
2 | 仙人掌 Cactus | 磁性粒子辅助成型法 Magnetic particle?assisted molding method | 疏水微锥阵列 +亲水棉花基底 Hydrophobic conical arrays with the hydrophilic cotton matrix | 45~50 | - | 23 | - | 3 mL/10 min | |
3 | 甲壳虫 Desert beetle | 水热法+浸涂法+后修饰法 Hydrothermal, dip?coating and post?modification method | 亲/疏水性相间 不锈钢网 Hydrophilic/hydrophobic hybrid stainless?steel mesh | 50 | 0.07 g/s | - | - | 977 mg/(h·cm2) | |
4 | 甲壳虫 Desert beetle | 喷涂法+后修饰法 Spraying method and post?modification | 亲/疏水性相间 不锈钢网 Hydrophilic/hydrophobic hybrid stainless?steel mesh | 50 | 0.07 g/s | 25 | 85~90 | 1 707.25 mg/(h·cm2) | |
5 | 甲壳虫 Desert beetle | 层层自组装沉积法 LBL self?assembly deposition method | 亲/疏水性相间铜网 Hydrophilic/hydrophobic hybrid copper mesh | 50 | 0.07 g/s | 22 | 90 | 571 mg/(h·cm2) | |
6 | 蜘蛛丝 Spider silk | 微流控法 Microfluidic method | 人造蜘蛛网 Artificial spider silk web | - | 100 g/(s·m2) | 25 | - | 600 g/h | |
7 | 蜘蛛丝 Spider silk | 水热法 Hydrothermal method | 亲水性3D纤维网 Hydrophilic 3D fiber web | 75 | - | 0 | - | 36.07 g/h | |
8 | 火龙果叶片Plant Pitaya | 化学刻蚀+后修饰法 Chemical etching and post?modification | 3D集水组合 3D water collector | 60 | 0.037 g/s | 24 | - | 8.64 g/30 min | |
9 | 猪笼草 Nepenthes | 水热法+光催化反应 Hydrothermal and photocatalysis reaction | 疏水滑移表面 Hydrophobic slippery surface | 50 | 0.07 g/s | 18 | 90 | ~1.126 g/30 min | |
10 | 猪笼草 Nepenthes | 喷涂法 Spraying method | 疏水滑移表面 Hydrophobic slippery surface | 40~50 | 0.07 g/s | 18±2 | 85 | ~460.5 mg/(h·cm2) | |
11 | 甲壳虫+Janus 浸润性 Desert beetle and Janus wettability | 液相修饰法 Liquidus modification | 亲水/疏水性相间+Janus浸润性铜网 (Hydrophilic?hydrophobic)/hydrophilic Janus cooperative copper mesh | 50 | 0.07 g/s | 18 | 90 | 2.2 g/(h·cm2) | |
12 | 甲壳虫+Janus浸润性 Desert beetle and Janus wettability | 水热法+光催化法 Hydrothermal and photocatalysis reaction | 亲水/疏水性相间+Janus浸润性泡沫铜 (Hydrophilic?hydrophobic)/hydrophilic Janus cooperative copper foam | 25 | ~0.056 g/s | 25 | 70 | 2.39 g/h | |
13 | 仙人掌+甲壳虫+猪笼草 Cactus, desert beetle and Nepentes | 化学刻蚀+电沉积法 Chemical etching and electrochemical?deposition | 亲水/疏水性相间锥形铜针+亲水滑移表面 Conical copper needles with gradient wettability and hydrophilic slippery surface | 25 | ~0.056 g/s | 15 | 70 | 8.83 g/h |
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