Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry ›› 2025, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 78-85.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.240205

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Preparation and Application of Thermostable Solvent Poly(Aryl Ether Ketone) Sizing Agent

Yu-Jia XIE1, Xin-Lin XIE1, Wei-Bing PEI1,2, Qi LI1, Jia-Ming GUO1, Yao YUAN1, Yu LIU1,2()   

  1. 1.Jilin Province Key Laboratory of Carbon Fiber Development and Application,Changchun University of Technology,Changchun 130012,China
    2.College of Chemistry and Life Sciences,Changchun University of Technology,Changchun 130012,China
  • Received:2024-07-05 Accepted:2024-11-30 Published:2025-01-01 Online:2025-01-24
  • Contact: Yu LIU
  • About author:E-mial:
  • Supported by:
    the Project for Science & Technology Development of Jilin Province(20240602022RC)


Owing to the chemical inertness and inadequate wettability of carbon fiber (CF) surface, the interfacial properties of carbon fiber/poly(ether ketone) composites (CF/PEEK) are significantly influenced. As a straightforward and efficient approach, the sizing method can enhance the interfacial properties of the composites. Poly(aryl ether ketone) (PAEK), serving as a sizing agent for CF, possesses the advantages of high temperature resistance and substantial mechanical strength. This study employed bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol fluorene (BHPF) as monomers to synthesize PAEK with high temperature resistance. The resin was utilized as the primary slurry for the preparation of sizing agent. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) characterized the functional group structure and surface morphology of PAEK after sizing. Concurrently, the study investigated the effects of varying concentrations of PAEK sizing agent on the mechanical properties of CF/PEEK. As the BHPF content in the sizing agent increased, the heat resistance of PAEK resin gradually improved. The use of PAEK-3 sizing agent increased the interlaminar shear strength by 31.43%, the flexural strength by 22.1%, and the flexural modulus by 26.8%, compared to CF/PEEK without sizing treatment. Thus, the utilization of PAEK-3 sizing agent significantly enhances the overall performance of CF/PEEK composites.

Key words: Carbon fiber, Poly(aryl ether ketone), Composite material, Sizing agent

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