Journal Information

Issn: CN 22-1128/O6

CN:ISSN 1000-0518

Director:Chinese Academy of Sciences

Host:Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

About Journal

About Journal

Founded in 1983, Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry is a comprehensive academic journal published and distributed worldwide by the Science Press. The journal, governed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), is sponsored by the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS) and the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC).

The journal mainly reports on innovative basic research and creative scientific results in chemistry and inter-disciplines. It is published on the 10th day of each month and delivers approximately 1400 pages each year of research articles and reviews on cutting-edge areas in chemistry, including organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, polymer chemistry, materials science, life science, and information science. 

 Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry is a peer-reviewed and open access journal consisting of Reviews, Research Articles and Communications. Articles published in the journal are included in 11 domestic and international databases. In addition, article submission, peer review and other editing processes are all completed online. Professor Zhang Hongjie, an academician of CAS, is the editor-in-chief of the Editorial Board consisting of 262 leading scholars. Also, the board has 29 academicians from CAS and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), and 4 experts from abroad.


Chemists in research institutes, colleges, universities, and relevant industries.

Abstracting and Indexing: 

Articles published in the journal are included by major domestic and international databases including Scopus, Chemical Abstracts (CA), VINITI Abstract Journal (AJ), EBSCO, EuroPub, DOAJ, China National Knowledge Infrastructure Database (CNKI), China Science Citation Database (CSCD), , the Chinese Science Abstracte,  the Chinese Core Journals (2023), Chinese Science and Technical Papers and Citation Database (CSTPCD), Wanfang Data, Weipu,  Chinese Chemical Society – Journal platform, and China Open Access Journals (COAJ).

2021-04-27 Visited: 63749