Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 360-373.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.220229
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Zhen-Bang LIU1, Shuo ZHANG2, Yu BAO2(), Ying-Ming MA2, Wei-Qi LIANG2, Wei WANG2, Ying HE2, Li NIU2
About author:
baoyu@gzhu.edu.cnCLC Number:
Zhen-Bang LIU, Shuo ZHANG, Yu BAO, Ying-Ming MA, Wei-Qi LIANG, Wei WANG, Ying HE, Li NIU. Progress of Application Research on Cheminformatics in Deep Learning[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2023, 40(3): 360-373.
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URL: http://yyhx.ciac.jl.cn/EN/10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.220229
Resear chinterests | Algorithm model | Purpose of study | Datasets | Ref. |
Structure-activity relationship | DNN, MT-DNN | Prediction of Target structural protein | ChEMBL, A4, B1, PP4, IVINT | [ |
LSTM-QSAR | Data augmentation with SMILES descriptors | — | [ | |
LSTM | Generation of model molecular structures | ChEMBL | [ | |
— | Feature extraction based on molecular fingerprint | The Harvard clean energy project | [ | |
CNN | Feature extraction of molecular structural formula | Abraham octanol solubility,Delaney small aqueous solubility,Tox21 | [ | |
Synthesis planning | seq2seq | Machine learning for organic reaction equations | Jin's USPTO | [ |
seq2seq | Extraction of unsupervised molecular descriptors | — | [ | |
Expansion policy network, Rollout policy network | Optimization of retrosynthetic routes | Reaxys database | [ | |
Catalysis chemistry | Transferlearning | Search and design of alloy catalysts | — | [ |
Decision tree | Prediction of interfacial thermal resistance in nanostructures | — | [ | |
TPOT | Carbon dioxide reduction in electrocatalysis | GASpy | [ | |
Gradient boosting regression | Prediction of the activity trends of metal surface | — | [ | |
Extra tree regression | Prediction of adsorption on alloy surfaces | Surface energies of elemental crystals | [ | |
CNN | Local structure identification in TEM images | Atomic Simulation Environment | [ | |
DTNN, AI-Spectroscopist | Prediction of molecular excitation spectra | QM7b,M9 | [ | |
CNN | Identifying chemical substances using Raman spectroscopy | RRUFF | [ |
Table 1 Representative applications of deep learning in structure-activity relationships, synthesis planning, and catalysis chemistry
Resear chinterests | Algorithm model | Purpose of study | Datasets | Ref. |
Structure-activity relationship | DNN, MT-DNN | Prediction of Target structural protein | ChEMBL, A4, B1, PP4, IVINT | [ |
LSTM-QSAR | Data augmentation with SMILES descriptors | — | [ | |
LSTM | Generation of model molecular structures | ChEMBL | [ | |
— | Feature extraction based on molecular fingerprint | The Harvard clean energy project | [ | |
CNN | Feature extraction of molecular structural formula | Abraham octanol solubility,Delaney small aqueous solubility,Tox21 | [ | |
Synthesis planning | seq2seq | Machine learning for organic reaction equations | Jin's USPTO | [ |
seq2seq | Extraction of unsupervised molecular descriptors | — | [ | |
Expansion policy network, Rollout policy network | Optimization of retrosynthetic routes | Reaxys database | [ | |
Catalysis chemistry | Transferlearning | Search and design of alloy catalysts | — | [ |
Decision tree | Prediction of interfacial thermal resistance in nanostructures | — | [ | |
TPOT | Carbon dioxide reduction in electrocatalysis | GASpy | [ | |
Gradient boosting regression | Prediction of the activity trends of metal surface | — | [ | |
Extra tree regression | Prediction of adsorption on alloy surfaces | Surface energies of elemental crystals | [ | |
CNN | Local structure identification in TEM images | Atomic Simulation Environment | [ | |
DTNN, AI-Spectroscopist | Prediction of molecular excitation spectra | QM7b,M9 | [ | |
CNN | Identifying chemical substances using Raman spectroscopy | RRUFF | [ |
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