应用化学 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (7): 1004-1016.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.220372
方晓芸1,2,3, 赵林毅1,2, 王磊1,2,4, 李菱志1,2, 俞洁5, 陆泉芳5, 李燕飞1,2()
Xiao-Yun FANG1,2,3, Lin-Yi ZHAO1,2, Lei WANG1,2,4, Lin-Zhi LI1,2, Jie YU5, Quan-Fang LU5, Yan-Fei LI1,2()
Yan-Fei LI
About author:
19063487@qq.comSupported by:
为了在理论上建立起一套完整、客观的性能评价方法,对硅丙乳液的颗粒尺寸、热稳定性、结构和形貌进行了表征,测定了乳液质量分数与其粘度、表面张力等关系。通过用硅丙乳液修复模拟起甲和酥碱的壁画,进一步验证乳液的性能。结果表明,硅丙乳液属于非晶态(无定形态)结构,乳胶粒子形貌接近球形,平均粒径为190 nm,颗粒无团聚现象,较小的粒径可以提高乳液的渗透能力; Si—O—Si键的引入有效提高了硅丙乳液的热稳定性和耐热老化性; 随着硅丙乳液质量分数的增大,表面张力下降,相对粘度升高; 硅丙乳液的机械稳定性、贮存稳定性、热稳定性和耐盐性较好。硅丙乳液在修复起甲、酥碱壁画后,分别循环20和12次老化,颜料层未发生显著差异,说明硅丙乳液可以作为一种性能优异的胶凝材料用于起甲、酥碱壁画的修复中。
方晓芸, 赵林毅, 王磊, 李菱志, 俞洁, 陆泉芳, 李燕飞. 硅丙乳液的表征、性能及其在模拟病害壁画修复中的应用[J]. 应用化学, 2023, 40(7): 1004-1016.
Xiao-Yun FANG, Lin-Yi ZHAO, Lei WANG, Lin-Zhi LI, Jie YU, Quan-Fang LU, Yan-Fei LI. Characterization, Property and Application of Silicone Acrylic Emulsion as a Kind of Protection Material for Murals[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2023, 40(7): 1004-1016.
图3 硅丙乳液胶膜(a)和硅丙乳液-硫酸钠胶膜(b)的XRD图谱
Fig.3 The XRD patterns of adhesive film for the silicone acrylic emulsion (a) and silicone acrylic emulsion-Na2SO4 (b)
图5 硅丙乳液和硅丙乳液-硫酸钠冷冻干燥(A、C)和室温干燥(B、D)后的SEM图
Fig.5 SEM images of the silicone acrylic emulsion and the silicone acrylic emulsion-Na2SO4 freeze-dried (A, C) and dried at room temperature (B, D)
图6 硅丙乳液胶膜(a)和硅丙乳液-硫酸钠胶膜(b)吸水率随时间的变化
Fig.6 Water absorption of adhesive film for the silicone acrylic emulsion (a) and silicone acrylic emulsion-Na2SO4 (b) with time change
图7 硅丙乳液(a)和硅丙乳液-硫酸钠(b)乳液的pH值随质量分数的变化
Fig.7 The effect of nass fraction of the silicone acrylic emulsion (a) and silicone acrylic emulsion-Na2SO4 (b)on pH
图8 硅丙乳液(a)和硅丙乳液-硫酸钠(b)的电导率随硅丙乳液质量分数的变化
Fig.8 The change of conductivity of the silicone acrylic emulsion (a) and silicone acrylic emulsion-Na2SO4 (b) with different concentration
图9 不同温度下硅丙乳液在蒸馏水(A)和1%硫酸钠溶液(B)中表面张力随质量分数的变化以及硅丙乳液和硅丙乳液-硫酸钠乳液的质量分数对表面张力的影响(C)
Fig.9 The change of surface tension of the silicone acrylic emulsion (A) and silicone acrylic emulsion-Na2SO4 (B) with the different mass fraction in different temperature and the effect of concentration of the silicone acrylic emulsion and silicone acrylic emulsion-Na2SO4 on the surface tension(C)
图10 硅丙乳液(A)和硅丙乳液-硫酸钠(B)在不同温度下相对粘度随乳液质量分数的变化
Fig.10 The change of viscosity of the silicone acrylic emulsion (A) and silicone acrylic emulsion-Na2SO4 (B) with the different mass fraction in different temperature
图11 质量分数1%~3%的硅丙乳液冻融前(A)、后(B)和含有1%不同盐质量分数为1%硅丙乳液冻融前后对比图(C)
Fig.11 The photographs of 1%~3% silicone acrylic emulsion before (A) and after (B) freezing and thawing and silicone acrylic emulsion containing different salts (C) before and after freezing and thawing
图12 试块原貌(A)、模拟起甲试块(B)、质量分数2.5%硅丙加固后(C)和20个循环老化后(D)的照片
Fig.12 The photograph of simulated test block(A), simulated flaking mural test block(B), mass fraction 2.5% silicone acrylic emulsion repaired flaking mural(C) and aging 20 cycle of flaking mural(D)
图13 酥碱试块(A)和质量分数2.5%硅丙加固后(B)照片,质量分数2.5%硅丙加固后(C)和12个循环老化后(D)的形貌
Fig.13 Picture of plaster disruption murals(A) and murals repaired by mass fraction of 2.5% silicone acrylic emulsion (B), SEM images of murals repaired by by mass fraction of 2.5% silicone acrylic emulsion (C) and aged for 12 cycles (D)
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