应用化学 ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 1381-1398.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.240125
• 综合评述 •
Xiao-Ying YANG1, Bao-Hua ZHANG1, Ye-Ying LAN1, Yu-Wei ZHANG1,2()
About author:
ywzhang@scnu.edu.cnSupported by:
杨晓莹, 张保华, 蓝叶滢, 张玉微. 氧化还原液流电池碳基复合双极板材料研究进展[J]. 应用化学, 2024, 41(10): 1381-1398.
Xiao-Ying YANG, Bao-Hua ZHANG, Ye-Ying LAN, Yu-Wei ZHANG. Research Progress of Carbon Based Composite Bipolar Plate Materials for Redox Flow Batteries[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2024, 41(10): 1381-1398.
图4 (A)分级交错流场设计和(B)常规交错流场设计的示意图[27]
Fig.4 Schematic of (A) hierarchical interdigitated flow field design and (B) conventional interdigitated flow field design[27]
图6 复合材料电导率。(A) 主要填充类型与总填充质量分数对复合材料电导率的影响(其中次要填充填料质量分数固定在6%), 以及在(B)次要填充类型与总填充质量分数对复合材料电导率的影响(KB:ketjenblack carbon)[36]
Fig.6 Electrical conductivity of the composites. Effect on (A) major filler types versus total filler contents, in which minor filler contents were fixed to 6%, and (B) minor filler types versus total filler contents (KB: ketjenblack carbon)[36]
图9 碳/聚乙烯复合材料CFE集成BP与传统石墨双极板的充放电效率[61]
Fig.9 Charge/discharge efficiencies of the carbon/PE composite BP with CFE integration and the conventional graphite bipolar plate[61]
图10 (A) PP-弹性体/PP/炭黑/碳纤维复合材料集流体的VRFB单电池在电流密度为70 mA/cm2时的循环性能; (B) 含有PP-弹性体/PP/炭黑/碳纤维复合材料集流体的VRFB电池堆栈在电流密度为50 mA/cm2时的循环性能[63]
Fig.10 (A) Cycling performance of a VRFB single cell equipped with current collectors of the PP-elastomer/PP/carbon black/carbon fiber composite at a current density of 70 mA/cm2; (B) Cycling performance of a VRFB cell stack equipped with current collectors of the PP-elastomer/PP/carbon black/carbon fiber composite at a current density of 50 mA/cm2[63]
图11 含有石墨集流器的VRFB电池堆栈在电流密度为50 mA/cm2时的循环性能[63]
Fig.11 Cycling performance of a VRFB cell stack equipped with graphite current collectors at a current density of 50 mA/cm2[63]
图12 展丝,UD和商用石墨双极板的单电池测试结果。(A)对应的充/放电图; (B)能量效率,库伦效率和电压效率[66]
Fig.12 Single cell test results of spread-tow, UD, and commercial graphite bipolar plates. (A) Representative charge/discharge graphs; (B) Energy efficiencies, coulombic efficiencies and voltage efficiencies[66]
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