应用化学 ›› 1984, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 1-10.

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  1. 华东化工学院 上海
  • 收稿日期:1984-02-17 修回日期:1984-04-18 出版日期:1984-09-10 发布日期:1984-09-10


Li Shijin   

  1. East-China Institute of Chemistry, Shanghai
  • Received:1984-02-17 Revised:1984-04-18 Published:1984-09-10 Online:1984-09-10

摘要: 大多数聚合物一直都是作为良好的电绝缘体广泛地应用于各个方面,但近年来已发现聚合物也可以作成半导体、导体、甚至超导体。由于其本身的若干特点,如原料易得,力学性质良好,合成加工方便,组成结构变化的多样性等,加强了人们对其电性质的研究兴趣。导电聚合物的种类颇多,每年发表的论文和评述文章也很多。研究工作虽然取得了重大的进展,但对其基本性质的了解还是很有限的。本文将着重对共轭体系导电聚合物的进展和应用,作一简要的综述。

Abstract: A brief review of the recent progress in conductive polymers is presented in this paper with the emphasis on those consisted of organic conjugated system. The most interesting and perspective work in this field as the author considered lies in taking exhaustive study on the conduction process and the relation between their structure and properties to attain the possible practical application.