Journal Information

Issn: CN 22-1128/O6

CN:ISSN 1000-0518

Director:Chinese Academy of Sciences

Host:Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Instructions for Authors


Please read the following content carefully before submission for basic publishing standards of the journal.


Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry

Instructions for Authors


Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry is a comprehensive academic journal, published and distributed worldwide by the Science Press. The journal, governed by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), is sponsored by Chinese Chemical Society (CCS) and Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC). It mainly reports on innovative basic research and creative scientific results in chemistry and inter-disciplines, providing top-notch and cutting-edge information, products, theories, and technologies to readers.


Section 1 Main Columns

l  Review: Reviews of thematic and frontier topics in chemistry on the basis of their potential for future application and authors’ own research work;

l  Research Articles: Reports of innovative research results in generally 5~6 pages; Chinese and English abstracts must contain main data results and conclusions of the research;

l  Communications: Reports of preliminary results of innovative research within 2~3 pages; Chinese and English abstracts must contain main data results and conclusions of the research.


Section 2 Submission Method and Fees

l  The submission is processed online. Authors shall send manuscript to and click "Submission" or "Registration" if they have not registered. Authors need to follow the instructions to upload required information to complete the submission. Manuscripts should be written according to the "Manuscript Template". In case of any multiple submission or copyright infringement, the responsibility is borne by authors.

l  Before publishing, fees will be charged including CNY 300 for page charge, CNY 500 for color printing, and CNY 1000 for color image design if selected as the cover article. Page charge is not refundable if it is authors’ accountability to withdraw the submission. Once published, two print copies of the current issue would be posted to authors. Remuneration covers the use of article for the internet, various compact disks, etc. If authors do not agree, they shall make a statement during submission, otherwise it would be considered as agreed.

l  Authors should carefully read the "Publishing Ethical Standard", and always comply with the requirements. Authors Contribution Form and Statement of Competing Interests should also be submitted alongside the manuscript. 

The editorial office ensures that each manuscript is tested by academic misconduct detection system developed by CNKI 's academic misconduct literature detection system (AMLC), and will reject the manuscript in which plagiarism or multiple submission is found.

Section 3 Peer Review and Editing

l  The journal adopts a single-blind review system. After submission, the editorial office will conduct a preliminary review of the manuscript. The editorial office will reject the manuscripts which are insufficient in originality, having serious scientific or technical mistakes, lacking valuable information, or not in the scope of the journal. Manuscripts which have passed the preliminary review will be anonymously sent to two or more peer reviewers. Authors must revise the manuscript according to the review comment and return it in time. This process would be repeated until reviewers and editors are satisfied with the manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief will conduct the final round of review and the editorial office shall impartially select manuscripts on the basis of academic quality and the review comment.

l  The authors will be informed the result within two months after submission if the manuscript is reviewed and approved by experts and editors. Accepted manuscript will be published in about 4 months. The editorial office would notice the authors via e-mail or internet if articles are not accepted. After the manuscripts are returned for revision, the revised version of manuscripts should be submitted back to the editorial office with detailed explanation. Failure to return the revision within specified time or with no explanation may be considered withdrawn. Major changes are generally not allowed after publication is confirmed. Authors are responsible for the content of manuscripts and editorial office has right to make amendments to manuscripts.

l  The editorial staff / editors / editorial board members should not be involved in publishing decisions on papers which they have written themselves or have been written by their family members or colleagues. Any such submission should be strictly subject to the journal’s usual editorial process. Peer review should be handled independently from the relevant author/editor and their research groups.

l  Correction and Retraction: Articles published online or in print are considered the final and complete version. In principle, the journal does not make corrections or retractions on published articles. However, in case of the situations described below, corrections or retractions may be carried out if truly necessary.

Correction: If there appears to be an unintended scientific mistake in the article which would not lead to significant impacts on the results and conclusion, the editorial office will publish corrections in the journal as soon as possible, detailing the changes made to the original article and indicating the source of the article. The journal will release the corrected new version of the article, and specify the changes to the original article and the date of update. In addition, the superseded version will also be archived. Readers can obtain it directly, but only the latest version of the article should be used for citation.

Retraction: In the following cases, the editorial office would retract published articles and issue retraction statements: 1) If an article is found to have severe scientific errors making the results and conclusion of the article unreliable; 2) For article suspected of academic misconduct, such as plagiarism and data falsification, the editorial office will initiate an investigation and issue a statement to inform readers of the risks associated with the article. Once the investigation is completed, the result will be made public. If the academic misconduct is confirmed, the article will be immediately retracted and a retraction statement will be issued by the editorial office.

Section 4 Copyright Policies

l  When submitting the manuscript, authors are required to provide both Copyright Transfer Agreement signed by all authors (submit the scanned version of the agreement in full color through the submission system). Once the article is accepted, the copyright of the whole article and figures, tables, abstracts, or any part extracted from the article, shall be transferred to the editorial office of the journal, including but not limited to the right of reproduction, distribution, online dissemination, performance, translation, compilation, adaptation, etc.

Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry flipped to open access journal in Jan 2022. All articles since the 1st issue of 2022, once published, shall be immediately and permanently available for readers to read and download free of charge. Permitted third party reuse of the articles published by the journal is defined by the following user license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This license allows reusers to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as the license terms below are followed: reusers must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Reusers may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses the use. Reusers may not use the material for commercial purposes. If reusers remix, transform, or build upon the material, they may not distribute the modified material. The authors have right to spread or make use of the article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. The full details of the license are available at

l  From 1983 when the journal was launched, all articles have been digitally archived and can be downloaded for free from the journal website. All archived articles are open access. Permitted third party reuse of archived articles is defined by CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. In order to ensure data security, all information has also been backed up in the editorial office. In addition, other relevant materials are also kept by the editorial office, such as supplementary information and forms provided by the authors.

Section 5 Writing Requirements

The manuscript should have rigorous points with detailed data. Symbols of unit and physical quantity should be in accordance with the standards of Quantities and Units (GB3100~3102-1993).

l  Chinese and English Titles: Titles should talk about highlight topic and be highly-summarized generally in 20 words; avoid abbreviations, symbols and formulae where possible.

l  Chinese and English Names and Institutes of Authors: Full titles of institutes, city and postcode should be specified. Category and grant number of funding projects should be indicated in the footnote of the first page should indicate. Name, professional title, office phone number, Fax, E-mail and the research interests of corresponding author should also be demonstrated.

l  Chinese and English Abstracts: Abstracts should provide generalized content without further explanation or comments. As a summary of article, it is required to highlight the topic and introduce breakthroughs of the research, including research object or objective, research methods and experiment conditions, research results and conclusions. Chinese abstracts shall have corresponding English contents.

l  Chinese and English Keywords: Three to eight keywords are required for each manuscript. Keywords are words or phrases having substantial meaning that could summarize the topic of manuscript. It should be selected with great precision and logic in order to conclude the topic.

l  English words or abbreviations should be avoided in Chinese titles, abstracts and keywords except for those that are really common in related fields. If they are essential in abstract, Chinese definition should be given when it first appears. In the English title and abstract, full name of the abbreviations should be demonstrated at its first appearance except for those commonly recognized.

l  The Chinese Library Classification number should be annotated. For example, O6XX stands for chemistry. The number has at least 4 characters and can be checked at

l  Introduction: In this section, authors should briefly introduce the researches and scientific issues closely related to the field and state research problems, methods, and innovations. This part is not singled out in Communications column.

l  Experiment: Source, specifications and models of reagents and major instruments for experiment need to be specified. Advances in experiment methods, for example any innovation introduced by authors, should be explicitly stated in details for duplication. If research methods have already demonstrated by others, proper citations should be given. For newsletters, this part should be placed between the main body text and the references.

l  Results and Discussion: Authors should describe experimental phenomena and results, especially under different experiment conditions. Also, literature comparison and description of new phenomena are needed. Conclusion is drawn on the premises of substantial data and discussion. For column of Communications which requires less discussion, authors should report preliminary results on innovation but not elaborate on systematic research.

l  Tables and Figures: Three-line style tables are required. Coordinates, dots, and lines should be clearly marked with appropriate proportions. Any information on tables and figures should be apparent. Titles and annotations should contain experiment object, research methods, and experiment conditions. Wherever verbal description is adequate, tables or figures shall be avoided. Headings of tables and figures should be both in Chinese and English while other parts shall be in English only. No more than six figures and images are included in an article. For the column of Communications, no more than three images are included.  It is recommended to arrange multiple figures with similar content in one group for comparison. The resolution of an image should not be lower than 300 DPI. Supporting data for tables and figures should be provided if necessary. For revies, source of data in tables and figures should be indicated.

l  Conclusions (Prospects): Conclusion is a brief summary of key research problems rather than repetition of the abstract or research results, in which authors should further explore the research. For reviews, authors should discuss future development of related researches and give insightful ideas. This part is not singled out for communications. If needed, an acknowledgment can be added at the end of the text as an independent paragraph.

l  Supporting Information (SI) includes original spectra and data gained from experiment, which is not a part of an article but still essential. SI should be an independent Word document, containing the title, author, institution, description of materials and others. For documents with longer text, a directory should be provided with pages sequentially numbered as S1, S2, ....... Figures and tables should be titled both in English and Chinese and sequentially numbered as S1, S2,....... If an article has SI, it is necessary to make a brief description of auxiliary materials at the end of Conclusions. The format is as follows:

Supporting Information [indicate concisely the type of the data] can be downloaded at this website

l  Reference: Proper citations should be given if others' work and ideas are quoted. Content, form and structure of bibliographic references should follow the GB/T 7714-2005 rules under the sequence coding system. The author should make sure that all citations are correct and avoid citing irrelevant or outdated literatures. Last name should be capitalized and be placed in front while for the first name only the initial letter should be put at the back. The format is as follows:

Authors (only the first three authors are listed, followed by "et al."), title (only the first letter of the first word is capitalized and proper nouns and common abbreviations are in capitalization or Latin italics as regulated in English) [the type of the article], Journal (in abbreviation, no dot at the end of the word), Year, Volume (Issue) (or Year(issue) if it has no volume): start page - end page.

For abbreviations of the title of journals in foreign languages, please refers to ISO-4-1997. Chinese references shall have corresponding English translation, which should be placed at beneath the Chinese information.

l  Types and Codes of Documents: M (Monograph), C (Collection), G (General), N (Newspaper article), J (Journal), D (Dissertation) R (Report), S (Standardization), P (Patent), DB (Database), CP (Computer program), EB (Electronic bulletin board), A (Archive), CM (Chorographic map), DS (Data sets), Z (Others); Electronic documents media: MT (Magnetic tape), DK (Disk), CD (Compact disk), OL(Online).

l  Formats:


Author. Title: Other title information [Code of document type]. Other authors. Edition (except for the first edition). Place of publication: Publisher, year: Page range.

② Article from Monograph

Editor of article. Title: Other title information [Code of document type]. Other authors: Page range of the article.

③Serial Publication

Authors. Title: Other title information [Code of document type]. Year, Volume (Issue) - Year, Volume (Issue). Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.

④Article from Serial Publication

Authors. Title of article [Code of document type]. Title of serial publication: Other title information, Year, Volume (Issue): Page range.

⑤ Patent

Author. Title: Patent's nation, Patent No. [P]. Access date.

⑥Electronic Document

Author. Title: Other title information [Document type/ Carrier symbol]. Place of publication: Publisher, Year (update or revision date) [Citation date]. Access path.



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       FANG X C, GUAN M H, LIAO S G. Hydrogen refining[M]. Beijing:China Petrochemical Press, 2006: 427-436.

       [2]牛春吉. 稀土在动植物中的分布[M]//倪嘉缵. 稀土生物无机化学. 第二版. 北京:科学出版社, 2002:8-26.

       NIU C J. The distribution of rare earth elements in plants[M]//NI J Z. Bioinorganic Chemistry of Rare Earth Elements. 2nd ed. Beijing: Science Press, 2002: 8-26.

       [3]巴德 A J,福克纳 L R. 电化学方法原理和应用[M]. 邵元华, 朱国逸, 董献堆, 等译. 第二版. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2005:267-290.

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       [4]刘瑞霞. 环境友好介质中柠檬醛选择性加氢反应[D]. 长春: 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所, 2010.

       LIU R X. Selective hydrogenation of citral in environmental benign media[D]. Changchun: Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2010.

       [5]王海涛, 张恒彬, 曹学静, 等. 溴离子氧化电流效率的研究:第八届全国有机电化学与工业学术会议论文集[C]. 芜湖: 安徽师范大学, 2002: 36-38.

       WANG H T, ZHANG H B, CAO X J, et al. Investigation of current efficiency of oxidation of bromine ion: the eighth national symposium on organic electrochemistry and industries[C]. Wuhu: Anhui Normal University, 2002: 36-38.

       [6]朱连超, 唐功本, 殷敬华. 稀土化合物参与的功能化聚烯烃树脂的制备方法: 中国, 200510016847.X[P]. 2010-01-27.

       ZHU L C, TANG G B, YIN J H. Process for preparing functional polyolefins resin mixed with rare earth compound: CN, 200510016847.X[P]. 2010-01-27.

      [7]程海波, 陈学思, 肖海华, 等. 多臂聚乳酸对线型聚乳酸结晶的促进作用[J]. 应用化学, 2010, 27(7):754-758.

      CHENG H B, CHEN X S, XIAO H H, et al. Promotion of crystallization in linear polylactide by multiarm-polylactide[J]. Chinese J Appl Chem, 2010, 27(7):754-758.

      [8]BARRERA M C, VINIEGRA M,ESCOBAR J. Highly active MoS2 on wide-pore ZrO2-TiO2 mixed oxides[J]. Catal Today, 2004, 98(1/2):131-139.

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l  Table of content (TOC) image/graphics (Graphical abstract): Authors should provide an illustration reflecting the article topic, which could be maps, figures or photographs, chemical reaction diagrams or formulae in a size of 3.5 cm*8 cm. Color image with only English text or marks is preferred and a brief English description of scientific innovation should be provided.


l  If an article selected as the cover article, authors shall provide a colored illustration displaying the research innovation with both Chinese and English descriptions.




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