Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 990-999.DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.210256
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Qin YANG, Ning-Hua CHEN, Yu-Jie ZHANG, Zhi-Xiang YE, Ying-Chun YANG()
Ying-Chun YANG
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yangyingchun@cuit.edu.cnSupported by:
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Qin YANG, Ning-Hua CHEN, Yu-Jie ZHANG, Zhi-Xiang YE, Ying-Chun YANG. Preparation of Cerium Zirconium Composite Oxide Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode and the Detection of Pb2+ in Water Samples[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2022, 39(6): 990-999.
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URL: http://yyhx.ciac.jl.cn/EN/10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.210256
电极 Electrode | 方法 Method | 线性范围 Linear range/(μmol·L-1) | 检测限 LOD/(μmol·L-1) | 参考文献 Ref. |
铈锆氧化物修饰玻碳电极 Ce zroxide/GCE | 方波阳极溶出伏安法 SWASV | 0.02~0.5 | 0.006 | [ |
碳泡沫修饰金电极 Au(5.4%)?CF/gold electrodes | 微分脉冲阳极溶出伏安法 DPASV | 0.1~2.0 | 0.003 6 | [ |
聚苯胺/铋修饰石墨烯电极 PANI/Bi/graphene electrodes | 方波阳极溶出伏安法 SWASV | 0.1~1.1 | 0.000 3 | [ |
谷胱甘肽修饰电极 GSH?SPCNFE | 方波阳极溶出伏安法 SWASV | 0.005~0.725 | 0.015 | [ |
三氧化二锑修饰碳糊电极 Ce2Zr2O7.04/GCE | 方波阳极溶出伏安法 SWASV | 0.048~0.483 | 0.003 4 | [ |
铈锆复合氧化物修饰电极 Ce2Zr2O7.04/GCE | 方波阳极溶出伏安法 SWASV | 0.002 5~3.5 | 0.000 198 | 本工作 This work |
Table 1 Comparison of determination of Pb2+ by different electrochemical sensors
电极 Electrode | 方法 Method | 线性范围 Linear range/(μmol·L-1) | 检测限 LOD/(μmol·L-1) | 参考文献 Ref. |
铈锆氧化物修饰玻碳电极 Ce zroxide/GCE | 方波阳极溶出伏安法 SWASV | 0.02~0.5 | 0.006 | [ |
碳泡沫修饰金电极 Au(5.4%)?CF/gold electrodes | 微分脉冲阳极溶出伏安法 DPASV | 0.1~2.0 | 0.003 6 | [ |
聚苯胺/铋修饰石墨烯电极 PANI/Bi/graphene electrodes | 方波阳极溶出伏安法 SWASV | 0.1~1.1 | 0.000 3 | [ |
谷胱甘肽修饰电极 GSH?SPCNFE | 方波阳极溶出伏安法 SWASV | 0.005~0.725 | 0.015 | [ |
三氧化二锑修饰碳糊电极 Ce2Zr2O7.04/GCE | 方波阳极溶出伏安法 SWASV | 0.048~0.483 | 0.003 4 | [ |
铈锆复合氧化物修饰电极 Ce2Zr2O7.04/GCE | 方波阳极溶出伏安法 SWASV | 0.002 5~3.5 | 0.000 198 | 本工作 This work |
Fig.7 (A) Repeatability measurement on the same electrode (repeated modification for ten times); (B) Long-term stability measurement of Ce2Zr2O7.04/GCE (repeated 10 times within 10 days)
样品 Sample | 测量值 Detected/(μmol·L-1) | 加标量 Added/(μmol·L-1) | 测量总值 Found/(μmol·L-1) a | 相对标准偏差 RSD/% b | 回收率 Recovery/% |
牛奶 Milk | / | 1.0 | 1.03 | 1.45 | 103.0 |
2.5 | 2.44 | 1.20 | 97.6 | ||
矿泉水 Mineral water | / | 1.0 | 1.02 | 1.29 | 102.0 |
2.5 | 2.59 | 1.31 | 103.6 | ||
自来水 Tap water | 0.003 1 | 1.0 | 1.03 | 1.22 | 103.0 |
2.5 | 2.61 | 1.19 | 104.4 |
Table 2 Detection of Pb2+ in actual samples
样品 Sample | 测量值 Detected/(μmol·L-1) | 加标量 Added/(μmol·L-1) | 测量总值 Found/(μmol·L-1) a | 相对标准偏差 RSD/% b | 回收率 Recovery/% |
牛奶 Milk | / | 1.0 | 1.03 | 1.45 | 103.0 |
2.5 | 2.44 | 1.20 | 97.6 | ||
矿泉水 Mineral water | / | 1.0 | 1.02 | 1.29 | 102.0 |
2.5 | 2.59 | 1.31 | 103.6 | ||
自来水 Tap water | 0.003 1 | 1.0 | 1.03 | 1.22 | 103.0 |
2.5 | 2.61 | 1.19 | 104.4 |
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