Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry ›› 1984, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 48-55.

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Shi Nai, Jin Tianzhu, Weng Shifu, Wu Jinguang, Xu Guangxian   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Peking University
  • Received:1983-07-26 Published:1984-03-10 Online:1984-03-10

Abstract: The FTIR spectra of fourteen rare earth tris (4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(2-thie-nyl)-1, 3-butanedione ) dihydrates in the 100-4000 cm-1 range have beenstudied and the assignment of peaks in the far and middle infrared regionhas been discussed. Six RE--O absorption bands were observed, two ofwhich are in the mid--infrared region, namely 489--508 cm-1 for the asym-metrical stretch and 456--475-1cm for the symmetrical stretch. Four bandsare in the far infrared region, three of them are assigned to the metal-che-late oxygen bonds, while the fourth band results from the coordinationwith the water molecule. The frequencies of the bands near 456-489-1cm change periodically with atomic number, showing the "tetrad effect", whichis characteristic of lanthanides. The absorption peak due to the carbonyl groupand that due to the C=C bond are lowered by about 60cm-1 respectivelyin comparison with the free HTTA. This is an evidence of conjugation inthe metal chelate rings.