师文君, 孙中辉, 宋忠乾, 许佳楠, 韩冬雪, 牛利

Research Progress of Layered Transition Metal Oxides Cathode Materials for Sodium-ion Batteries
Wen-Jun SHI, Zhong-Hui SUN, Zhong-Qian SONG, XU-Jia NAN, Dong-Xue HAN, Li NIU
图5 (a) 高熵正极材料晶体结构演化;(b) 充放电过程中(003)峰值的演化;(c) 在3 C下的放电容量和库伦效率32
Fig.5 (a) HEO cathode crystal structure evolution; (b) The evolution (003) peaks during the charge-discharge process; (c) Retention of the discharge capacity and Coulombic efficiency at rates of 3 C29