李德, 王楠, 杨华伟, 马姣

Semi⁃interpenetrated Network Hydrogels Prepared by in⁃situ Initiation of Liquid Metal to Construct a Low Fouling Electrochemical Sensing Interface
De LI, Nan WANG, Hua-Wei YANG, Jiao MA
图6 (A) 免疫传感器对不同浓度胃动素的SWV响应; (B) 免疫传感器对不同浓度胃动素的相应动态响应范围和校准曲线; (C) 免疫传感器在在5%(体积分数)山羊血清溶液的校准曲线; (D) 免疫传感器在在10%(体积分数)山羊血清溶液的校准曲线 (误差条代表3次重复测定的标准偏差)
Fig.6 (A) SWV response of immunosensor to different concentrations of motilin; (B) corresponding dynamic response range and calibration curve of immunosensor to different concentrations of motilin; (C) Calibration curve of immunosensor in 5% (volume fraction) goat serum solution; (D) Calibration curve of the immunosensor in 10% (volume fraction) goat serum solution (The error bar represents the standard deviation of three repeated determinations)