李春, 于严淏

Research Progress on Mechanism and Application of Biomimetic Mineralization
Chun LI, Yan-Hao YU
图6 (a) PVA/Alg/HAP仿生纤维的制备过程和网络微观结构示意图;(b)人造纤维与各种蜘蛛丝的拉伸应变曲线对比,蜘蛛种类为:1) Euprosthenops sp (Pisauridae), 2) Cyrtophora citricola (Araneidae), 3) Latrodectus mactans (Theridiidae), 4) A. diadematus (Araneidae), and 5) N. edulis (Tetragnathidae);(c - e) 独立式混合仿生纤维网示意图,此网可以承受2.5 kg的静载荷和500 g的1 m高自由落体的冲击载荷69
Fig.6 (a) Schematic illustration of the preparation process and network microstructure of the PVA/Alg/HAP hybrid macrofiber; (b) Typical tensile stress-strain curves of the artificial macrofiber and different SSF obtained from 1) Euprosthenops sp (Pisauridae), 2) Cyrtophora citricola (Araneidae), 3) Latrodectus mactans (Theridiidae), 4) A. diadematus (Araneidae), and 5) N. edulis (Tetragnathidae); (c - e) Photograph of a free-standing hybrid macrofiber net, the as-prepared net can bear a static load of 2.5 kg and an impact load of 500 g free-falling from a height of 1 m69